seagull created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

An intimate armor removing scene to symbolize having a conversation on the same level, where some of the deepest secrets are confessed, all contained in a pair doomed by the narrative pair of childhood friends turned enemies????? HOMOEROTIC!

seagull created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

SCRAMIFNNCKSJDJCKDJDJFJDOXKSHSJXKCOSNSJX what she just wooshed into the chalice what. Hak??? Aaaaaaaaaa zeno… SCREAMS

seagull created a topic of Waterside Night

It’s been a while since omega mc kicked somebody’s ass, I kinda forgot he was all about that in the beginning. Love that he is so strong. Love this toxic yaoi power couple <3

I really liked the story set in Italy, but seriously trying to address the effect of stereotyping and at the same time writing out statements like “ Most Italians are lazy” ??? Like cultural norms exist and Japan and Italy are different so the exploration of those differences can be fun and wholesome. Like the bit where he was waiting for him for a long time and the Japanese man apologized saying everybody has been coming late when he gives a meeting time. That was a cute and funny moment that pokes fun at a cultural difference. But having a character say “I’m the only serious and hardworking person in all of Italy” is the same stereotyping the Japanese man got angry at (with good reason!)

I liked the story but I find it interesting to analyze that part. Believe me Americans include unintended and intended culturally ignorant stuff in a bunch of our media too. I just watched a video by Farya Faraji about American/ western musical depictions of the Middle East. The “oriental” “desert” music you hear in movies like Prince of Persia is actually Armenian or Indian or just complete nonsense. Instead of trying to be culturally accurate movie directors go for the more recognizable (to Americans) foreign sounding music which is usually extremely inaccurate.

I chose to believe the author did not mean harm by the short chapter about an international romance. They just used narrative short cuts, like stereotypes, to establish the characters since they had a shorter chapter. It’s not malicious but it is ignorant. If it’s easy to recognize in Japanese media when it is about a culture closer to Western ideas. Take this feeling and think about media about different cultures and countries made by the Western world and how it can be improved to avoid lazy stereotypes and give the audience something that doesn’t encourage ignorant norms about others

seagull created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

I am in awe and suspense!!!

I choose to believe Yona wants Zeno to get closure before he dies. And she also wants to confront the dragon gods herself.

I truly hope they let Zeno die because he’s just so tired of having to play his role. But I suspect he will live on… but maybe there will be a short scene of him saying good bye to the crew before Yona kills him?

Her reaction to him trying to kill himself in this chapter makes me feel like she would be empathetic towards his wishes but also assisted suicide is a very touchy topic and there is a lot of feelings that go into that.

But this story has had the theme of death since the beginning. Yona’s father was a nice man but his death helped a lot of people because he did not run his country well (and also probably killed his brother but I’m in doubt of that). Yona has had to kill at least one person (not sure if there was more after the human trafficker guy) and had a lot of moral conflict around it but decided it was the only way to end this conflict. Suwon, the man who killed her father and tried to have her and Hak killed, she has let live for now because she knows the country needs a strong leader.

I think she will kill Zeno because she has been making these moral choices and dealing with death since the start of the story. But I can also see her not killing him. I’m very engaged in the writing and can’t wait to see what happens.

seagull created a topic of Owari no Seraph


seagull created a topic of Homeless/No Home

So much so much so mucj is andjxkakaozkndkxncnk.

Getting him fired from his job is so abusive and manipulative I can’t even start. Your kid grew too big to hit like you used to so you turn to psychological warfare. Trying to be better or whatever they said to him my entire ass.

“They haven’t changed the situation has” Eunyung my boy also the self awareness he knows he’s been a bad person and he has violent tendencies because of how he was raised and he’s trying so hard to be better please parents get out of his life so he can grow.

seagull created a topic of Homeless/No Home

(Might Delete) Pushing your personal trauma onto your child and using them as venting outlets go brrr. I’m sure the mom had a hard life and Eunyung was a little shit but that’s not any excuse to raise him the way they did. The dad actively abused him and both neglected him. He was acting out as a response to their poor parenting and to solve his acting out they abused him more as punishment. Your kid is not responsible for your emotional regulation, yes he is older but he is still a teenager and his mom is a grown woman who shouldn’t be guilting her son into living with his physically abusive dad. Eunyung wanted to feel loved by his parents which is what kids are wired to want psychologically, child psych go brrr, and he didn’t feel it. I’ve seen friends with parents that weren’t the best and did bad things, but they still received love from them (not in the narcasstic or love bombing way I mean like normal parental love). Eunyung is not written like someone with bad parents, he is written like someone with abusive parents. Almost nobody wants to believe they are the bad guy they will justify it to themselves a 100 times over and it’s not a personality disorder or anything it’s just how people are. His parents know they did things bad but they can’t accept that they messed their kid up that bad because that would make them abusers and it’s impossible to admit without a lot of introspection. Eunyung is putting physical and emotional distance between his parents and himself so he can just not think about how awful his situation is. He is kinda a bad person, but we can see why he is a bad person but also we see him becoming a better person! I love it so much because it’s a real character flaw and effective backstory that has impact on the world he’s in.

It’s extremely interesting to see this much nuance in writing I’m in awe amazing. Eunyung and his parents feel so real it’s nauseating.

seagull created a topic of Sangatsu No Lion

It’s like he’s aging backwards good for him. The tragedy of him becoming worse at shouji (not a lot worse but he definitely is less focused on it) because he has other things to look forward too but he’s finally accepting that it’s good for him. It’s like the idea/meme of “I’ll lose my sparkle” when you take care of a mental illness. He still enjoys shouji but now it’s not life or death it’s a game he is good at and can talk to friends and mentors about. good god his character development!!!

seagull created a topic of Waterside Night

“God Fucking Dammit” is exactly how I reacted too translators

seagull created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

Okay I feel like a dumbass but like what happened??? Phos disintegrated and their dust turned into a comet and their Lunarian eye is just chilling now with some rocks. Is that what happened?????

seagull created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona


I have so much to say

1st MY EDGY YELLOW BOY MOOLSLKSJSJXJSJXKCJCJCJCJCKCK. Zeno please I can’t take this anymore…( T-T )

Also 2 chapters at once!? Yummy. Suwon naming Yona as the next ruler, also yummy, but like… a bit too little too late my man you KILLED HER DAD.

Also lot’s of blood stuff? The Red Dragon’s blood line has a disease, the dragon warriors feel their blood boiling when they meet Yona, the dragon god was inside of Zeno’s blood, he filled the chalice with his blood, Yona had a crush on her blood related relative (I kid, cousin incest is like the least problematic thing royalty has historically done rip).

Yona is having constant prophetic dreams? Also she got to see the original warriors!!! I’m kinda… conflicted about the message that the suffering of Zeno and the bloodlines of the dragons, more blood, is worth it for Yona to meet her friends. Definitely not what was intended but it’s what I was thinking.

Overall I’m feeling very positive and sad in a good way because emotions from media are cool. I’m in awe. Can’t wait for JUNE ( T-T )

seagull created a topic of Muchina Kimi to Shitaikoto

Waaa?? Why is everyone hating on seme’s hair I thought the gloomy long hair was cute, new haircut is good too. The ponytail was a bit weird to me though.

seagull created a topic of Owari no Seraph

Mika and Yuu being gay was never going to be canon for a lot of reasons. But Shinoa’s feelings literally feel like they come out of nowhere. It makes sense for her to have a crush on Yuu but Love??? She has not developed her personal relationship with him enough for it to truly be romantic love. The author is forcing this romantic arc/plot/sub-plot/whatever it’s giving big “telling you not showing you.” They merged souls with each other, Yuu is possibly destroying the world for Mika and trusts him before others, and both have put the lives of others at risk to help each other. They have acted this way since the beginning and continue to act like this. The emotional backbone of this story is the relationship between Mika and Yuu, romantic or not. Shinoa has not had as much one-on-one “screen time” with Yuu like Mika has but she is written with the same self sacrificing attitude towards Yuu without the emotional labor that Mika and Yuu have shown towards each other. I hope this is a one sided love and Yuu doesn’t end up with her but if that’s the case it basically ruins her character. Her sister’s only character trait is obsession with Greun and now Shinoa’s is obsession with Yuu.

I’m less mad about Mika and Yuu not being gay, I’m mad that the most important female character in this story has been turned into a one dimensional character and instead of having her own relationship with Yuu she is going through the same beats that Mika already did.

seagull created a topic of Homeless/No Home

The April Fools Art!!!!!!! So cute I would love for them to remain friends now that I’m out of college and barely speak to any school friends, I just started college when this started LMAO, it kinda makes me nostalgic for these kinds of conversations we had and how we imagined out future. Not as much drama and trauma but it feels so realistic to me.

Extremely weird that the April Fools Art of older junhwan triggered this emotion in me but I really love this story and I want to see these boys grow up!

seagull created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Teens buying movie tickets to make out like it’s a new idea smh my head, good for these gays, good for them

seagull created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

He picked sweet popcorn for him

seagull created a topic of Dungeon Meshi

Read this in 3 days, LOVE SO MUCH. The story is great, its length actually suits it, the art for the monsters and races are amazing and the theme carries throughout AAAAA I have not enjoyed a story like this for a while. Only criticism is Falin’s part. She played the damsel in distress, which is a call back to the classic fantasy games this is based on. But I feel like she should’ve stayed dead or been more involved in the story. Even her dragon form didn’t do much other than act out Thistle’s actions. Either way I love the progression of the story a lot and This is going in a re read list for me! I may watch the anime as it comes out, but probably not until Mithuru is introduced because I started reading this to find out about the elf twink I saw all over twitter lmao