(Might Delete) Pushing your personal trauma onto your child and using them as venting outlets go brrr. I’m sure the mom had a hard life and Eunyung was a little shit but that’s not any excuse to raise him the way they did. The dad actively abused him and both neglected him. He was acting out as a response to their poor parenting and to solve his acting out they abused him more as punishment. Your kid is not responsible for your emotional regulation, yes he is older but he is still a teenager and his mom is a grown woman who shouldn’t be guilting her son into living with his physically abusive dad. Eunyung wanted to feel loved by his parents which is what kids are wired to want psychologically, child psych go brrr, and he didn’t feel it. I’ve seen friends with parents that weren’t the best and did bad things, but they still received love from them (not in the narcasstic or love bombing way I mean like normal parental love). Eunyung is not written like someone with bad parents, he is written like someone with abusive parents. Almost nobody wants to believe they are the bad guy they will justify it to themselves a 100 times over and it’s not a personality disorder or anything it’s just how people are. His parents know they did things bad but they can’t accept that they messed their kid up that bad because that would make them abusers and it’s impossible to admit without a lot of introspection. Eunyung is putting physical and emotional distance between his parents and himself so he can just not think about how awful his situation is. He is kinda a bad person, but we can see why he is a bad person but also we see him becoming a better person! I love it so much because it’s a real character flaw and effective backstory that has impact on the world he’s in.
It’s extremely interesting to see this much nuance in writing I’m in awe amazing. Eunyung and his parents feel so real it’s nauseating.