seagull June 16, 2021 2:11 am

I know it’s flamenco/ paso doble step, but Adam stomping looks like the little foot taps geese do when happy lmao

seagull May 24, 2021 4:05 am

I dislike both of the dominant/seme guys but the first one grinds my gears because he made rude comments, ended up assaulting him and ripping up shit and didn’t even show remorse for it and the white haired guy forgave him anyway...

seagull May 4, 2021 8:51 am

Ima over analyze for fun now. Take this with a grain of salt I’m just rambling

There wasn’t too many big plot points the story is character driven and it feels like witnessing a small portion of these character’s lives, they have previous engagements and their emotions don’t all get wrapped up at the end but they do develop. The only thing I wish is that Sangho and his brother had a bit more development, the fact that there wasn’t an emotional climax for that felt kinda weird. Same for Sangho’s old boyfriend but I didn’t like him so I personally didn’t care he didn’t get an ending lol.

I kinda understand the people that say Sangho and Hakdo didn’t feel like they love each other , because they do dance around it a lot. Sangho is too prideful and nervous to admit it for the longest time. And Hakdo is a player that’s emotionally invested in someone else. But if you look at their actions they stay together in the important moments, even after they fight they come back and make sure everything is okay. Neither of them do anything malicious to each other, generally can be relaxed around each other and they have good sexual chemistry so it makes sense that they stay together. They don’t get much of a chance to express the non sexual love but I still think it shows through enough in their actions for the ending to be satisfying.

seagull April 27, 2021 6:04 am

This is a pretty good story as a psychological twisted romance type thing. Although the ending just being completely happy was kinda oof I wish the author committed to the psychological horror part of it and give it a more bleak ending. Hayato was pretty good at creeping me the fuck out but also being kinda? sympathetic because from his perspective he has nobody expect his brother. The scene where he was interrupted by his classmates on the phone and his brother said sounds like your having fun and he had a panic attack basically because he realized that he could connect with others but chose not to like that was a good moment for the character.

Yuki didn’t have a lot of character probably because this was pretty short and was written with a happy end so he kinda got simplified. But he was still a strong character up until the end where he just gives in.

I don’t hate this but I definitely didn’t read it as unironically romantic, that’s why I think the ending was bad because it had a nice everything fine we all made up even tho my brother silenced everyone who ever talked to me. Again I just wish the author had more chapters or something to flush out that ending so it feels more like a tragedy cause it’s supposed to be? Like we should look at these two fucked up kids, brothers at that, causing trauma and rape happening and see it as bitter with little bit of sweet to make it readable.

Anyway I just overanalyze things aha this was more for my own thought dumping

    Casnada May 18, 2021 2:28 pm

    You got that absolutely right! I agree! The ending doesn't seem right. Though I sort of like it but I don't really like how it ended. Like something is missing and we are very curious about what will happen to them after they graduated. Since Hayato has awakened his inner monster, and even if he said "goodbye, dear monster." we can clear see that Hayato is not 100% settle with his feelings. Also, Yuki finally showed his true feelings but he is also still in a state of confusion and trauma. Realized it or not, Yuki is still in trauma. That's why the story is still hanging (in my opinion). Putting the sad tragedy as the ending may be the right way to end the story but... As Hayato and Yuki seem to be able to accept each other despite the hidden trauma that they actually deny, I think a good ending is a good choice too.(⌒▽⌒)

seagull April 27, 2021 1:00 am

I thought he was kidding that they were actually in highschool. But yea now that I look at it again it didn’t seem like a joke? I’m kinda confused, did the seme actually fuck his sempai or was that part of his dream? Cause at the end he said that he only fingered him? Or is it a flashback?? I guess more chapters have to be released but I’m confused and intrigued.

If he turns out to be filming actual high school girls.... oof

seagull April 23, 2021 2:11 pm

Horny idiots, I love it

seagull April 19, 2021 5:23 am

Okay wether or not he comes back to life I’m actually crying right now what the fuck I’ve never cried to a MANGA BEFORE GODDAMN

seagull April 18, 2021 11:32 pm

It’s kinda interesting that it’s an actual love triangle like all three parts are interested in the other two. Although handsome-kun and tashiro only got a few moments I like the vibes of a jerk and a nerd. It’s probably not gonna turn out to be poly but that would be cute. I’m gonna be satisfied with whatever happens, but handsome-kun better get some development if he is end game but let’s be honest it’s gonna be ebi and tashiro. But I like actual push and pull in my triangles ya know this one is cute hehe

seagull April 17, 2021 3:19 am

Bruh poor Kou, Fake Mitsuba “but you wanted me to say that” hit me deep. I’m glad he can handle all this it’s refreshing to see him realize the trick quickly and move on. But I bet all of this is gonna be future angst fodder which I’m excited for in a sick I want to see the pure boy suffer way. Aaa I love Kou so much he’s such a good boy but he’s a good boy because he went through a lot of growing and pain.

seagull April 5, 2021 2:14 pm

Bruh baby Kota calling out his dad for being a bottom what a chad

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