Ramune5567's experience ( All 0 )

Ramune5567's answer ( All 3 )

I've always had a memory of a dream that I had while I was a baby of me pooping and it splooted all over the wall ( which according to mom, did indeed happen at one point when I was an infant.) If that's somehow a false memory then I remember a time when my grandma bought me a huge set of fake food and utensils. I remember my mom changing my pull u......   reply
23 09,2018
I believe in God. Why? Because I feel his presence, love, and holiness. Because God is tangible. Because He answers prayer. Because He has shown me how much He loves me. I used to hate God, and I hated everyone. I was depressed and thought that no one understood me, and that I could drown my sorrows out with video games, porn, and anime. I lived li......   1 reply
29 01,2018

Ramune5567's question ( All 0 )