Yeah ik it's fiction and all, different ppl, different fetishes, yeah... Mhmm sometimes ppl are weird, yes I'm people, that's society I guess... I can't believe I read through it all... I would act like this story if the glasses rapist boy regretted of the way he advantagely took his sleeping friend, then yeah, but the fact that he didn't regret his actions, and Masato feeling all complicated from the dream he had but it was pushed and reality from rapist really was a NO for me... The fact that he had to accept his rapist is just sad, reminds me of the reality I living in now... But yeah, once again, this is just fiction to share many people interest and fetishes

Fuck this shit... Its all over the place, my boy Jooin is deeply hurt and Yahwi only cares about his feelings only, to want to take back what's his?? His childhood and the way ppl treated him is sad but that's no excuses to dick someone... And out of all, Cain?? The wrong timing for wrong stuffs?? Cain is starting to creep the hell out of me now... Used to be a Cain stan but I don't think so anymore, I'm neither on any sides of them... This us just a fucked up story, no this is emotional manipulation, as someone who has gone through it, it triggered me, why would I thought I would read this again bcs if Cain?? Cain is a yandere and Yahwi is a tsundere? (sorry if I'm wrong) that's all... Damn, this pisses me off

First of all, he stopped calling him master cuz Jooin asked him to do so a long time ago. Secondly you acting like having a wet dream like that when you like somebody isn’t normal, everybody has to at least have one in their life. He had one and y’all going crazy over it. He never emotionally trapped Jooin, he was respectful all the way and always was, Yawhi the one who raped him and actually emotionally manipulated him. Making him turn on the only person who was actually down for Jooin, Cain.
she's so me (minus the rape part)