my guilty pleasure in this is that i love big potato x boss ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I feel like if you raise someone who since they were a toddler (who didn't develop speech yet mind you) it'd be odd to have them as your love interest. You are technically their pseudo parent. Age gaps are fine usually but I feel like this one is a different territory .
I have like a neighbour's kid I basically look after sometimes. And as a full grown mid 20s person, I see that child like my own family so it definitely does feel like the incest zone lmao
Either way the way this author is writing/drawing, it definitely feels they are implying the heavy crush thing a lot. Who knows maybe the author is into that too so good for ya

This *is* actual real incest. They were raised with traditional familial roles: father and son. Potato might understand that he's adopted, but that shouldn't change anything.
It would be like saying that since a surrogate was used and the child doesn't share DNA with his mother, it would alright for them to copulate. It is not, because the family dynamic was created with the intention of the mother being mother, regardless of blood relation. This holds true for this story, as well.

I agree. Sure you could make the argument that this is fiction and blah blah. But it's still a trope which is weird. One can like it but majority of people probably feel odd about it. It's like no matter what justification someone has, this is borderline incestuous and it's not even about being blood related or having sex.
I cannot imagine anyone justifying a romantic connection between someone I watched grow up or even worse, someone I raised. That's my child, you called me mama please stop

sure it isn't real but it's obvious people are gonna question and wonder about the thought process of anyone shipping characters with enormous age gaps and having found family dynamics. If you see a character raise a child and the child calls them "mama", an ordinary person will definitely not even link romance. Seeing a child have a crush is sweet. But more than OP (who are clearly aware they are "guilty" of enjoying this ) it's the author that's a bit odd for insinuating or creating tension between the characters with such a sacred dynamic ( of found family).
You can't be surprised that people find it disgusting plus this is a comment section and OP posted it publicly so you know the reaction is justified.

honestly the only reason i feel guilty enjoying this is because every comment i see is either the second couple or people hating/not liking big potato x boss. and yes im not surprised by anyone's reactions, i expected it as you can see from my title
and honestly i agree with what you said about, 'If you see a character raise a child and the child calls them "mama", an ordinary person will definitely not even link romance.' because the only reason i started shipping them was because of the author drawing big potato and the whole fan service between him and the boss. so yes i agree that its definitely weird, but i dont think anything is wrong with it, so im just enjoying whats been given to us readers

you were aware you were gonna get jumped, so i'm going to continue to do so.
my point is that these kind of manhwa have real, actual influences. creating a 'fake' dynamic where a son has a crush on his father isn't going to go unnoticed. I used pedophilia because of similar influences. creating media like this is perpetuating toxic, illegal, and morally corrupt relationships.

The fact that your using actual pedophilia to something which has no pedophilia is a fuckin wild take. The fact that you keep trying to make people imagine whatever you conclude in your mind is also wild as hell. If you want to do ACTUAL justice instead of bitching on an illegal site about a topic that doesnt even happen in this manga, then go do that instead. Fuck is yapping about actual problems gonna correlate to this nonsense? Dumb as hell

Given how little we know about the characters, we can't conclude big potato's age. therefore, if papa wolf were to respond to potato's advances, would it not be pedophilia? it is absolutely connected to this. if you believe I am putting words in your mouth, go wash it before cursing at strangers. you are welcome to block me– the fact that you haven't yet done so makes me inclined to believe you're not finished yet, though.

I'm not dragging this on, I will continue to argue that 'boss''s relationship with potato is only paternal, and a sexual or romantic relationship of any kind would be incest because boss took in potato with the intention of raising him as his own child. In this case, blood relations are irrelevant because both parties have a role determined many years beforehand. To alter this role would be to enmesh the two and create an incestuous relationship that is not healthy or morally upright.
baited us with the title aint no way