Hey so I saw on everyone's topic that they want some spoilers soooo here's a link and read the comment of Ciel.

Take time to read this~
This is one of the main reasons why I am scared of falling inlove and getting married. My mom always keep telling me, to love someone who have the same occupation as me on the future so if I get a trouble at work, My partner will always understand and never doubt anything I do because he/she does the same.
This really hits hard when you really love each other but you can’t understand one another..
I am crying.
For the girl, At the first place they should’ve settled their thoughts and plans about marriage and getting children or not, BEFORE GETTING ENGAGED...
and to the guy’s case they should’ve open up their doubts and problems to each other, they are obviously lacking of communication that is causing their misunderstanding.
I am amazed by the art style and the unique amazing plot, If you’re here to see if this is worth it, DEFINITELY.

So far, this is one of my favorites now! The plot is really going well, I know sooner or later shit is getting real, The appearance improvement is so good, the translations is so good too and HOT DAMN MY FREAKING KONRAD SOO SEGGSY AF! Whatever happened I hope Leslie wont just rely for protection, She needs to user her powers also, Im looking forward to see her black magic.
My procrastinating just to read this within 2 days is sooo worth it.
yes babe, dont be shy, say the magic word "arise" and claim him.