2024-07-31 01:19 marked
Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers
2021-08-05 16:42 marked
Bondage/Shibari art I found on google and wanted to compile into an album because they're beautiful - both men and women
2021-07-16 15:36 marked
I have no idea what I what to read anymore. Can you guys recommend any good manga. The genera does not matter anything is fine. Something that is unique and what you would want to read of the rest of your life. So in other words your favorite manga.
2020-11-13 13:21 marked
http://m.blog.yes24.com/cherrysang/post/10737287 -this is the novel "Dream Maker" in Korean or https://ridibooks.com/event/8141
This is the title BL 드림메이커
It's consist of 6 books/volume
Haven't found any English translations yet..
This is the title BL 드림메이커
It's consist of 6 books/volume
Haven't found any English translations yet..
2020-05-17 18:01 marked
Can you guys recommend me best bl novel that you ever read ? I where i can read them ?
2018-08-19 09:04 marked
this item will be show after approved
2018-01-16 16:33 marked