Knew her mother was also lesbian...But I still feel bad for her, if the motber couldn't have that perfect life with her crush and finds out her daughter is the same as her. She should've stayed by her side and supported her, because back then it is still not acceptable to the public and now that there are more supporters, she could have help her daughter not to be down, her daughter will only lose the want to live if she also did not accept her and downed her. The daughter would've not be scared of anything if her mother was supporting her
Im freaking happy for them but still I'm not completly happy, there will really be more drama to come and it's annoying
Ashkan shared the following above your post: Spoiler from what I could understand by raws~
The prince uncle died then he become the emperor and then there was a time skip where he was old and lou (dragon boy) was still handsome and young had hold the prince bc he is died :<<< and sayed ur my only love
This just warms my heart and, I still cry after reading this