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A 10/10(18) 2025-02-24 0
B 7~9/10(96) 2025-03-01 0
C 6/10(123) 2025-02-28 0
D 4~5/10(200) 2023-10-23 0

Chuan's topics ( All 11 )

Chuan February 27, 2025 7:54 am

such a boring story with boring characters. shame the art is so good…. i will hate seeing this everyday on the featured

    luci :D February 27, 2025 8:11 am

    0/10 ragebait

    BumperSticker February 27, 2025 8:13 am

    You’re joking right? Just say you have shit taste and go. Also judging by your 10/10 list you obviously couldn’t tell a good story if I punched you in the nuts. Go read a real book to cleanse your palette.

    Chuan February 27, 2025 8:20 am
    0/10 ragebait luci :D

    i swear yall only say this when someone has a different opinion than u but go off ig

    Chuan February 27, 2025 8:26 am
    You’re joking right? Just say you have shit taste and go. Also judging by your 10/10 list you obviously couldn’t tell a good story if I punched you in the nuts. Go read a real book to cleanse your palette. BumperSticker

    bbg you be reading the same shit as me… i probably wont listen to someone who is invested in gay shit like jinx and swallow you whole. thank you next

    BumperSticker February 28, 2025 9:03 pm
    bbg you be reading the same shit as me… i probably wont listen to someone who is invested in gay shit like jinx and swallow you whole. thank you next Chuan

    Babes I’m not reading that shi to make fun of it and shi talk not rate it 10/10 like some ppl…lmao the call is coming from inside the house

    Chuan March 1, 2025 12:02 am
    Babes I’m not reading that shi to make fun of it and shi talk not rate it 10/10 like some ppl…lmao the call is coming from inside the house BumperSticker

    yeah babes come back to me when you can make this retarded sentence make sense i think this call might actually be coming from your brocas area

    BumperSticker March 1, 2025 4:04 am
    yeah babes come back to me when you can make this retarded sentence make sense i think this call might actually be coming from your brocas area Chuan

    Girl it’s a typo it’s not that deep. Trying to clock me because I have a life outside this website LMFAO go get a lifelike I obvi meant I’m reading it to make fun use your brain (that thing in your head if you’re unfamiliar). And it still stands that you believe such trash is 10/10 so yes the call is coming from inside the house loser

    Chuan March 1, 2025 9:36 am
    Girl it’s a typo it’s not that deep. Trying to clock me because I have a life outside this website LMFAO go get a lifelike I obvi meant I’m reading it to make fun use your brain (that thing in your head i... BumperSticker

    where was i trying to clock you for having a life? i was clocking you for having a damaged broca’s area which you clearly have never heard of if you didn’t comprehend that gag (its part of the brain so obvi i know more about it than you). I really don’t care if you don’t like my 10/10 list cuz i think the stuff you read is jackshit too…so actually the call is coming from someone who not only tries to invalidate other’s opinions, but also is a fatass with weightloss tips saved on a MANGA site don’t try to clock my tea when you should be trying to clock that green tea

    BumperSticker March 1, 2025 10:09 am
    where was i trying to clock you for having a life? i was clocking you for having a damaged broca’s area which you clearly have never heard of if you didn’t comprehend that gag (its part of the brain so obvi... Chuan

    Long ass paragraph oh you’re mad lmao ok dumbass telling me to clock green tea even tho i literally said there my weight im not fat (you obviously read it so you see im 5’8 and 130lb now saurrr LMFAO) so that doesn’t even bother me cause I’m skinny so… what??? fucking creep looking through my profile good God you’re embarrassing

    BumperSticker March 1, 2025 10:12 am
    where was i trying to clock you for having a life? i was clocking you for having a damaged broca’s area which you clearly have never heard of if you didn’t comprehend that gag (its part of the brain so obvi... Chuan

    Also commenting on my weight even though I was never overweight to begin with is crazy like this website is obvi for shit posting so what now? Point still stands that you have ass taste

    Chuan March 1, 2025 6:44 pm
    Long ass paragraph oh you’re mad lmao ok dumbass telling me to clock green tea even tho i literally said there my weight im not fat (you obviously read it so you see im 5’8 and 130lb now saurrr LMFAO) so th... BumperSticker

    girl if you go through the whole topic you’ve put a total of more words than I have. also were you not the one who went throguh my profile first going through my 10/10 list and whats even more embarrassing is i actually didn’t care enough to look at the weight loss post so i didn’t see your weight:height. 5’8:130 is really not as skinny as you think it is.

    Chuan March 1, 2025 6:49 pm
    Also commenting on my weight even though I was never overweight to begin with is crazy like this website is obvi for shit posting so what now? Point still stands that you have ass taste BumperSticker

    facts over opinion my list has higher ratings than your reading list so even though your point is i have ass taste now it kind of shows you have shit taste

    BumperSticker March 2, 2025 2:35 am
    facts over opinion my list has higher ratings than your reading list so even though your point is i have ass taste now it kind of shows you have shit taste Chuan

    You’re mad hahahaha image trying to tell someone 130lbs and 5’8 isn’t skinny when Zendaya is literally 130lbs. also I’m not gonna bother with your loser ass anyway. Talking abt weight cause you have garbage taste in manhwas. You’re fat asf obviously and bitter that randoms on the internet are skinny and healthy. Get some help and get your head out of the gutter. Ugly ass fat ass trash taste loserrrrrrr. Bye!

Chuan February 23, 2025 8:08 pm

i thought this incest shit would be fucking weird but why am i vibing with this

Chuan's questions ( All 1 )

scentedsix May 20, 2021 6:40 am

why tf yall like that shit so much yohan is ugly and it's boring

    _em May 20, 2021 6:43 am

    the dislikes but yes its b o r i n g

    scentedsix May 20, 2021 6:43 am

    bye wtf I didn't ask you to like or dislike my question bitch I want you to reply to it

    ꜱʜᴏ. May 20, 2021 6:55 am
    bye wtf I didn't ask you to like or dislike my question bitch I want you to reply to it scentedsix

    Obviously they didn’t like your question very much

    Alex_Kitsune May 20, 2021 6:58 am

    I like it because it was simple and wholesome. I hate overdramatic storyline that could be solved by talking. It’s not my favorite and I can understand why people find it boring. Plus, I couldn’t care less about the characters looks.

    ryuks gf May 20, 2021 7:03 am

    the amount of dislikes HELP
    anyways i have only read the first few chapters a while ago and then dropped it cuz i didn't find it that interesting but ppl do have different tastes, and also not everyone reads stuff because the characters r hot

    할 것 May 20, 2021 7:08 am

    I mean that is your overall opinion as well I never seen someone said they dislike sign but going back to your question. My reason why sign is a good manhwa is because it not problematic. it was simple and neat unlike most popular manhwa

    rai May 20, 2021 7:14 am

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone has to not like it, too. We all have different tastes. Liking it and finding the MC handsome and interesting doesn't make you a lesser person. Respecting each other's preferences would definitely make the world a little better, so why spread hate instead of love?

    Chuan February 8, 2025 10:51 pm
    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone has to not like it, too. We all have different tastes. Liking it and finding the MC handsome and interesting doesn't make you a lesser person. Respecting eac... rai

    yes it does

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