I've never broken a bone throughout my whole life and when I see people around me getting their bones broken due to accident etc i cant help but wonder what does it feel like? isit painful? does ur muscle around the broken bone feels lumpy? can u feel that area where your bone has broken??
It does depend on how excatly you broke it but me personally, only the crash itself hurt ( i fell off somwhere high and broke my arm). But that only lasted for abt 2 seconds. After that i only had problems moving my arm (it was basically paralyzed) and everytime i tried to lift it it was as if someone was pushing my arm down full force. To answer if you can feel where it was broken, no i couldnt and i broke it in two places at the same time.
Overall not that painful but inconvenient 2/10 would not recommend.
can someone spoil me if they end up tgt