why does every heroine want to be queen? like almost all em are targeting princes, I dont get it cause like the responsibilities,queening classes all those shits,,,, who'd ever want those? And also the hardships you have to face for the plot or events,,,,,who'd ever want those? I'd honestly just stay away from those targets leading an uneventful life and falling in love normally with someone of equal status as to make my life not too overdramatic,cause like why not?
im on chap 98 and im just wondering if he ever works out like he keeps making excuses of being weak and does not even put an effort to become stronger physically, I mean having a strong objective is not going to make you anywhere near strong as your opponents that work out, I get that most of the stories like these tend to kind of show that being strong emotionally and having a strong objective and like fighting for a reason( be it a family member,lover,friend) gives you immediate strength, like that does not happen. It gives you a temporary kick of courage, yes, but you'll never get stronger that way, relying on impulse. Not like I hate it or anything, this is just an opinion and i cant help but ask because so far into the story I haven't seen him put an effort into being strong physically like he keeps on whining on being weak and not put in he effort to work out to get stronger PHYSICALLY. I haven't read up to the latest chaps so correct me if I'm wrong. Btw, this is just an opinion so if your opinions contradicts with mine and you feel like arguing, just keep it to yourselves.
though him being weak makes the fight exciting and makes the ending super emotional so i guess its still fine
latest update: yey he finally started training, gambare takimichiii
latest ud: why dont they kick their opponents in the balls??? they should just kick them in the balls, it will cause temporary immobilization and then you can just bang their heads on the floor to kill them ahhhhhhhhh im so sad and angry rn.... emma nooooooooo. i want all of tenjiku dead. dieeeeee you pieces of shit, you cant just find excuses to kill and call it reasonable you fuckers die
latest update: im empty
latest update: i was expecting romance between coco and inupi when coco kissed inupi in the library, but well i guess i should be satisfied with that kiss, even though i ship them
notes: coco and inupi are 10th generation black dragon tanjui's 2nd hands that transferred to toman under takamichis division.
latestest ud: takemichi im so proud of you, thank you for never giving up, im so proud of the future you've created, you deserve all the happiness in the world, thank u so much