First of all, thanks a lot to the author and translators to allow us to read this manga. It was really good, good quality, good characters.
HOWEVER. We need to talk about this last chapter.
ERM, hello ? Where are the explanations? I hope there will be a spinn off, it really changed too suddenly. This chap could have been added at any part of the story to end it. At least they are happy, I guess... I hope there will be some spinn off to explain a few stuffs, and what happened to the other characters? Why are the girls also here and not the other ML ?
Anyway, it was a good read.
I want more. Give me a happy ending, I don't want to see sad chapters TT (Team Carsen here !)
I had hopes of them escaping with the chapter's title TT can't wait for the next one! I want revenge
Even if I don't like this white-haired guy... Go avenge your dragon !!
He couldn't eve try to fly with them ... I hope he'll be able to get it back, that's so sad
It's so good they put the equivalent of the chapters in the novel ! I love this system
Even if I don't really like glen, I hope he won't die TT it would be so hard for our MC. I don't want tragedy
Noo not him TT it was the only sane character of the story, and I liked him so much TT I'll believe he's not dead
Really, this last chapter was only to make an excuse for season 2, it could've ended really well but no, plot twist in the last chapter...
Anyway, it won't take away the love I have for this webtoon, I love the characters and their development (except last chapter)