Hare kon. But I don't like the plot and now regret reading.It would be nice if you read ppl rating and comments before you read that manga and can decide it's your taste or not. Actually I don't want to recommend this but the MC has long hair so .
Hare kon. But I don't like the plot and now regret reading.It would be nice if you read ppl rating and comments before you read that manga and can decide it's your taste or not. Actually I don't want to recomme... orenji_mama
ive read the comments and its so bad. might not read it but thank you for your recomendation :")
Hare kon. But I don't like the plot and now regret reading.It would be nice if you read ppl rating and comments before you read that manga and can decide it's your taste or not. Actually I don't want to recomme... orenji_mama
Bruh is been quite a time since I hadn't think of this shitty manga. RIP to anyone who read this for the hot tortured MC that we all thought was going to get character development but got worse. I regret tbh.
yes cuz ppl kept posting it on tik tok showing it was in english and it didnt have an offical translation so the author found out it was being illegally translated and posted that she was discontinuing it.
yes cuz ppl kept posting it on tik tok showing it was in english and it didnt have an offical translation so the author found out it was being illegally translated and posted that she was discontinuing it. xxstoopidxx
its not discontinued the author is just going to release it by volume instead of by chapter, and they might get an official translation so we can support the author
its not discontinued the author is just going to release it by volume instead of by chapter, and they might get an official translation so we can support the author antipsychotics
o op i though it was dropped thanks for correcting me everyone was saying it was dropped so ye