Not y'all wishing you could live out your weird ass yaoi sex life fantasies AGAIN... Why is it apparently so difficult to not fetishize gay men, istfg...
i run on spite. When i heard humans couldn't look at the sun i took it as a challenge, i have glasses now.

-That Padparadscha can finally wake up and stay happy with Rutile.
-That someone punch Cinnabar for smiling like that after being so cold with all the effort of Phos.
-That everyone could stop breaking Phos.
What I wish that's no longer possible:
Antarcticite! Please be alive again!

Okay so I totally forgot that I installed the owo chrome extension today so I lost my shit when I saw this question. This is how it looks to me: "When did you fiwst wose you viwginyity I'm 26 yeaws and bewieve it ow nyot, I'm stiww a viwgin. I'm nyot pwoud nyow depwessed by this fact. I had my weasons why I stayed untouched fow this wong but maybe......
I hate it when people ask me if I'm okay, just cause I'm not smiling. Like, do I HAVE to smile to show that I'm okay? I'm not going to smile 24/7 wtf. I also hate it when people gasp and say, "That's the first time I've heard you talk!" I just stare at them, 'Bitch I don't even know you." Its so annoying when people say those things. Why do th......
I hate when I tell people I'm single, not interested in marriage or kids. And they reply Oh you'll change your mind, you'll find the right man. BITCH DID YOU JUST HEAR ME... Those are not going to happen. I am not interested in the domestic lifestyle. Leave me the fuck alone.
I lost my virginity in my senior year of high school to AP Calc BC. That course fucked me pretty hard. I haven't been the same since.
What position do you prefer?