Ch 84 for the main story
Ch 87 for a whole chapter on Kim Chae-min's POV (poor guy lol)

classic shoujo "people don't accept the fl" bullshit when she moves in. Just constant harassment that borders on being truly fucked up iirc. The art and story are very sweet but I'll probably drop it here if there's another volume after this.

It's been a few years since I've read it, but I'm pretty sure the ML's best/childhood friend or something along those lines, hates witches and constantly harasses her before finally having her imprisoned. Iirc in shoujo style fashion, ML saves her and they get officially married after but the dude faces negligible, if any, consequences. Also don't really recall her having good relations with his people, at most maybe one good relationship with a maid/servant, and this is after she gets mistaken as a new servant instead of the new lady of the house that she is. I concur that it's a pretty fluffy story aside and the ML is very sweet on her, but it's definitely rife with the shoujo bullshit that just makes you annoyed.

Ah yes, the prince, but the novel portrayed her as someone who doesn't need savings, thus not really the shojou trope type where the FL is pathetic who needs heroine. She also do not let the prince harass her, although yes the prince is irritating af but she knows her ground and doesn't let him affect her. Plus, she's close with the butler, her personal maid, and the narration implied that the people in the mansion is good to her.

Yeah there's a mixup between the new servant and Rose since they both enter the mansion on the same day, but that's 100% treated as a mistake (Rose herself figures it out and still goes along with it) and everybody apologizes afterwards. Aside from that, like everybody else said, Rose is stronger than a normal shoujo protag in the novel and it's super disingenuous to interpret the entire second volume as "Rose is a damsel in distress who needs saving" just because one character has his own issues. All the other characters - Harij, his servants, Billaura, the younger princess to an extent - are all very clearly on her side.

Ah, thanks for the clarifications. Hope the more accurate outline helps people decide whether they wanna continue.
That being said, I don't consider the FL as a damsel in distress, but I don't think she's exactly anything special for a shoujo protagonist and I think "shoujo bullshit" is a completely valid description, although it's par for the genre.
What a fun read