common sense is not this., in mangas cuz, like if I was you I would have been running away instead of giving the money to that idiot boy and never coming back you ain't seen me you're not seeing me I'm running somewhere else changing my name changing everything, yeah once I saw that Corpse it was no ma'am no ma'am it was going to be a no mam situation cuz I will not do that I'm not going back to your house I'm changing my last Keys everything my identity getting plastic surgery never coming back running away to a small island where no one would notice
Seungeon's priority in life is completely different from jiwoks bcz he wants t feel loved because he is being both physically and verbally abused. He has never felt love in his family, which would lead to his main priority in life is love because he wants to feel loved by someone. Seungeon was being inconsiderate towards jiwok because he is already set for life he comes from a rich and successful family and jiwok doesn't he has to work way harder than Seungeon has always had good grades him coming to study knowing that he didn't need it while distracting jiwok. him constantly offering jiwok stuff is inconsiderate for jiwok to drop his pride just for is very selfish that the way it comes but I don't think Seungeon had bad intentions he should've found another way to help him
EXACTLY! That is all I'm saying but people only seem to like blaming Jiwook for Seungeon's own selfish lying. He could have easily asked Jiwook if he wanted helo with his studies considering he is ranked 1st place. Why didn't he go that route instead of lying to Jiwook. I don't think Jiwook would have refused his hell to study to bring up his own grades and ranking. But he HAD to interfere with his studies knowing how much atudying and the scholarship meant to Jiwook.
true, that would have helped him and all made jiwok respect him