Mascaramouche's experience ( All 0 )

Mascaramouche's answer ( All 135 )

about question
25 12,2024
wanted some money and received a scolding and a crippling depression   reply
25 12,2024
about question
It was already already late at night and i was like five or seven.. i don't know, i forgot.. And i have this huge ass barbie doll that was just the same height as me.. it was literally my favorite, i dress it up and everything but that night.. when i went up to go to pee, that bitch was sitting on the corner of the room, like i was so sure i placed......   1 reply
05 08,2024
I did and life started fucking me up, never again   reply
12 02,2024
about question
Man can't get over that he was wrong and started acting like a victim... You need to get out and be stuck in an asylum, cuz blaming someone who literally doesn't know anything about what's happening is sick and a minor too?.. touch some bible sometimes.. guess your parents didn't gave you that enough attention when you were younger.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)......   reply
08 02,2024
20 07,2021

Mascaramouche's question ( All 3 )

"Another day, Another homework" Monday thought when he wakes up from a 2 hour's sleep.
He gets up from bed and go to the bathroom to wash up.
"Wow that's a big bug under my eyes, maybe i should get more sleep?" He ask him self
"Maybe i could sleep at class" He said.
After deciding he gets his bag,drink some medicine and go out from his dorm.


"here we go again" He said to his self.
He let out a little sigh before entering the classroom,he know that when he enter this room people will look at him and will start whispering about him..

As he enter the room.
He saw no one was looking at him and no one is whispering about him...
"Strange" He thought
"At least they're not interested in me today" He added...
"Maybe i can sleep for a minute..." He yawned..

*Bell rings*

Monday wakes up because of many people talking outside of his classroom.
"Maybe there's a fight outside" He thought
When he's about to go back to sleep, one of he's classmate called him outside.
He don't want to go out of the room "but what if it's important " He thought
"Tsk" He said out loud but no one heard it.

As he walk out of the room, he notice that it has so many people more than he thought.
When he was completely outside of the room all of the people look at him.
"It's suffocating, i hate it here.." He thought
He was about to go inside when someone holds his hand.
"Don't go" That person said
Then suddenly all the people started to whisper to each other
"Plz let go" Monday said
The man clenched his hand
"I just want to say something" That person said
"Then can you stop clenching my hand?" He ask
That person let his hand go and apologize from hurting his hand.
But before that person was about to say something, Monday disappeared.

"That was stupid" His friend said.
"Well your stupid too yuri" He said while fidgeting his fingers.
"Am i even your friend mon?" Yuri said to his friend.
"Well of course" He said while letting out a sigh.
"Well I'm your only friend,so you don't have a choice" Yuri said
"You're my childhood friend,so what can i do?monday replied.
Yuri let out a big sigh " Just say the truth that you can't make any friends" Yuri mumbled
"It's not my fault" He shrugged
"Well i have to go now, my bf is there now" Yuri said while getting his bag
"Try making friends mon, I'm getting worried because of you " Yuri added
Yuri let out a big sigh and walk out
" JUST TRY IT, IT'S NOT THAT BAD" Yuri shouted while walking.
Monday giggles softly.
"BITCH!" He replied.
" BYEEE" yuri shouted.

"I should go home before the school gate close" He thought.

While walking he feel something weird about the atmosphere of the place.
It's been a while when he noticed that someone is following him.
He let out a big sigh and face the person who's following him.

"Can i help you sir?" Monday ask.
He know it's a guy because of it's big and tall silhouette and it's aura.
"Can we talk monday?" The guy replied to him.
Monday was surprisingly not shocked, he looks really calm like he don't care about the thing that the guy will tell him.
"What is it?" Monday said
Monday can't see it's face because it's on the part where the street lights are broken.
He thinks of running away when it gets bad..
But he thinks it's just a guy who's lost in they're streets, so he listen to the guy.
"Even watching you all the time, but why haven't you noticed me" The guy suddenly grab Monday's shoulders
The guy walks out of the dark aisle and monday can see his face clearly
"AH!" As monday flinch when he sees the guy face.
The guy clench his shoulder more tighter than before.
The guy give a big sigh of relief.
"So he remembers m-" As he thought but monday shrugged his hand of his shoulder and ask him one simple question.

"Who are you again?" He ask

I Really need ur opinion here thank you
20 07,2021
Well if ur feeling down.. It's ok that's how life is. It with bring many bad things to you but remember they have a reason why life did that to you.. Just remember it will be good soon :)
15 07,2021
Pain (இдஇ; )
08 05,2021

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

4 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

6 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


16 hours