I can't. This manga is so unserious, I love it. and I'm just reading it save Yahwi's visuals atp. Yahwi makes for a awesome reference pic when I'm drawing my OCs.
On another note, idk man. This is nothing new. We can replace Yahwi and Jooin with Alex and Dong-gyun or those two from lack of love or any other popular manga and I wouldn't have noticed it's different story. I feel like all manga writers get a common script with guidelines on exactly what their characters will and won't do.
What would make this new is if author has the guts to let Yahwi and Cain fuck each other ( and let Cain bottom

Ok, but I'm with Cain's family in this one. If the son I loved and raised painstakingly, just comes up and says ' y'all nice and shit, but I was a dog in my last life and I met my master, with whom I'm gonna play happy-o-home. Toodles. ' I'll think my son's gone bonkers too and Cain's family actually love him, and want the best for him. Baby boy, Jooin's not for you. You gonna throw your life away for the dude that's just gonna say 'I'm sorry, but I love assholes who treat me horribly more than i love puppies" I hope Cain gets a side story or sumthing when that happens eventually.
Also, CANIS freaking LUPUS!?!? That name is so wacky man

Do they switch in the side story???

Ugh. I wish BL couples will just switch sometimes... Sex scenes get so boring because there's no push-pull and it's just the seme doing all the work , it makes the characters's dynamics and chemistry more real... But noooo let's give them sudden non consensual sex instead. It's almost like BL authors NEED non-con/sexual assault to make the plot perfect.

Hmm I do know that these two are angling for top ten toxic BL couples, but let's not pretend the non-con did anything for the story. It had a dumb lead up and practically happened for no reason but the author wanting to write seme forcing uke into painful sex troupe. I think That's probably why it's in the side story

It might just be me, but I feel like the characters here bleed toomuch and too easily?? Or I'm dumb idk. But in that one chap where both Cirrus and Skylar stumbed down the stairs, if I had bled like Cirrus did, I think I'd have atleast a concussion... But eh. It's the prettiest art design I've seen in a manga. The characters look sexy even bruised or beaten up.
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