Someone give sides stories link please I can't believe this is going on a LONG TERM hiatus that's like killing my grandmother why do the best manhwas leave me
Nothing your saying makes sense bro. The uke is a red flag seme's wet fucking dream he ain't leaving or running away the mls dialogues don't make sense
Well remember the mls brothers have gotten everyone to leave him with cash or threats. So he has as many abandonment issues if not more than the uke. Perfect matches and both afraid the other will leave.
The dude is getting more and more deranged and has some of the worst abandonment issues. Yeah it's more rational to think he won't leave him but ml is very much not a rational person at all.
Caesar is so fake yandere cuz wdym you best the shit out of Vladimir for just saying he likes Leewon but he let's dimitri get away with all the shit he's done ? You are useless and can't even protect your man bro, all you do is rape him and cause him problems
mAmA I'm iN LoVe wItH a CriMiNaL