Chanwoo needs to be exposed to actually good potential lovers though, like he needs to pick MD not solely based on the fact that everyone he dates is an abuser or manipulative user, seemingly picking the lesser evil seems like a recipe for a long term toxic relationship where MD has all the leverage, he needs to pick MD despite there being other just as good choices

So far guessing, MC is gonna be a hyper confused softboi who just wants to be loved and 'senpai to notice me' and who's gonna eventually connect his admiration to the fact the blonde being gay to somehow meaning he's gay, blonde guy not gonna take any accountably for his jerkass but 'within his rights' actions cuz he's gonna misdirect his probably 'dark past' apathically on everyone (mainly MC) and if the black haired guys a character, he's gonna secretly resent the MC cuz he and blonde have a special connection , now I would literally love for any other characters besides these overused stereotypes of characters

Idk I'm kinda hoping Chanwoo gets this glowy eye Avatar state like Masochism where he completely ripes the floor with the new guy, I think it's been hinting that Chanwoo can definitely reach higher thresholds of pain/pleasure than most subs, when the new guy starts safewarding Chanwoo's just chilling like that wasn't anything, that'd be funny
From chapter 1 I understood what this was gonna be about so I tried reading it knowing this is a smut, knowing that there're probably gonna make the MC dumb enough to allow for certain situations, but, geez, this MC has the be THE DUMBEST, BRAINLESS MC I have ever read, its actually giving me a lil bit of anxiety to try to follow the storyline from the MC's POV because she's just that frustrating of a character