Viv007 September 21, 2016 1:55 pm

Well... Like the direction of this chapter. Cole is not the first idiot in this world to create blunders due to his insecurities.

Sometimes we just can never accept the fact that our deepest wish has come true. Trying to act all grown up and logical we create a mess. What i see here is a typical teen scenario.. dream guy , hot sex , enough attention but we just go ahead and screw it up royally cos we teens love drama.. how can we have something so perfect without drama

    weed September 21, 2016 2:31 pm

    Yey yey me too , with my EX and then my ex really get another girlfriends . LOL , I swear stupid am I. Hohoho ,

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 2:52 pm
    Yey yey me too , with my EX and then my ex really get another girlfriends . LOL , I swear stupid am I. Hohoho , weed

    Me too ... Now i feel like slapping the ol me so hard for doing such nutty stuff ... Alas ! split milk ...

    weed September 21, 2016 3:00 pm
    Me too ... Now i feel like slapping the ol me so hard for doing such nutty stuff ... Alas ! split milk ... Viv007

    Hahahahaha in real live and when this happen so fast , I can't take back my word or it's like "oh I did it?"

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 3:22 pm
    Hahahahaha in real live and when this happen so fast , I can't take back my word or it's like "oh I did it?" weed

    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can like sleep over.. Well it is very typical for teens to do this because emotions or feeling too strong actually messes them up. They are just not mentally prepared to take so much of strong stuff at one go...

    weed September 21, 2016 3:43 pm
    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can... Viv007

    Hahahha that right , I just wanna die for this. LOL

    weed September 21, 2016 3:44 pm
    I know it is like a itch which keeps on telling you do it ! do it ! do it! . And after the deed is done and your like drunk and emotionally sober the first words ringing in ur "WTFFF " did i just do.. OMG.. Can... Viv007

    now I really want to look the next chap this manga, the seme-kun is so cool

    Viv007 September 21, 2016 4:02 pm

    :) ... Next chapters will have fireworks in display

Viv007 September 16, 2016 1:22 pm

A bit rushed.. Again !!! anyways , the guy needs to eat.. why are his ribs jutting out. Hell why most yaoi uke have girly faces and too skinny bodies... I mean cmon , how is it justified portraying men too girl ( uke's always with long or medium length hair).

    Read September 16, 2016 1:24 pm

    It's justified because lots of gay guys look like that...

    KBchan September 16, 2016 1:47 pm
    It's justified because lots of gay guys look like that... @Read

    Or they look like that because the media shows them like that?

    Viv007 September 16, 2016 1:54 pm
    It's justified because lots of gay guys look like that... @Read

    I have many friends and trust me they do not look girly , they have good healthy bodies . Yeah few have effeminate body language but they also do not have girly features....

    Sangria September 16, 2016 2:04 pm
    Or they look like that because the media shows them like that? KBchan

    It's cause normally young boys are skinny... but when they grow up them body change...Well i know a lot of boys in my class that are skinny... but o look like a girl (the face) more or less 3 boys... (▰˘◡˘▰) This manga i don't think that the uke is too effeminate (cause only body and face doesn't make you effeminate)... i already see many mangas that the uke is like that but this one don't make me feel like that ^^....

    Viv007 September 16, 2016 2:21 pm
    It's cause normally young boys are skinny... but when they grow up them body change...Well i know a lot of boys in my class that are skinny... but o look like a girl (the face) more or less 3 boys... (▰˘◡�... Sangria

    Hmmm.... being skinny and being malnourished with ribs put out are two different things. In the story the uke is not effeminate but he is portrayed with girly bone structure. I guess add long hair and tadaah ! he will look like a girl while alex is boyish...

    Rotten September 16, 2016 2:42 pm

    if you think that the uke looks girly with that body shape, wouldn't you be implying that girls are always skinny and small? Which would be a reprodution of the midia portrayal of women...

    Viv007 September 16, 2016 2:53 pm

    I said girly features not body type. I said his body looks malnourished ..Yes,... because media is portraying skinny body as a fad ( guys and girls alike) i raised my concern in my comment. Young adults being skinny in natural body development is fine. But looking malnourished with ribs out . bony fingers not good. Young adults fantasize on these stories. many of the art work fuels their lifestyle and we are aware of this fact. So i feel it is high time the authors be little more considerate and change the way they portray human body. Thats all

    Silverfox September 16, 2016 3:14 pm
    I said girly features not body type. I said his body looks malnourished ..Yes,... because media is portraying skinny body as a fad ( guys and girls alike) i raised my concern in my comment. Young adults being s... Viv007

    But why? Everybody prefers something else and I think it's wrong to force manga artitst to change their style or preferences because of that (I, as an artist myself, also prefere slim body type characters as uke but I don't like it in RL).
    Art should remain art (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Viv007 September 16, 2016 3:20 pm

    I also wish art could remain art. but sometimes RL life and imaginations do blur... Hope i hinted enough

    Anonymous September 16, 2016 3:45 pm

    You're more likely to see the serratus anterior before the ribs actually. Especially in bodies with a lower fat pourcentage

    Whenever I see artists drawing them, I often find comment of people saying the characters look malnourished.
    So you can rest easy, these aren't the ribs

    Sangria September 16, 2016 3:46 pm

    You know... everyone in real life is different. when i read this manga i remenber my friend he has 24 years and he is just like this guy... he is skinny, has short stature and has a beautiful face (better than my ¬¬)...I tease his boyfriend saying that he better take care of him cause there is many guys wooing him... best friends is like that...hahaha... so this manga is not really so far away from reality... is just that there is little people with this caracteristics!

    Anonymous September 16, 2016 3:48 pm
    You're more likely to see the serratus anterior before the ribs actually. Especially in bodies with a lower fat pourcentageWhenever I see artists drawing them, I often find comment of people saying the characte... @Anonymous

    Not to say he isn't skinny. Just think malnourished and unhealthy is pushing it

    Sangria September 16, 2016 3:56 pm

    I just think that his arms is too thin... Maybe not i know many people that eat eat eat and not fattening a grass.... oh! how much i wanted to born like that so i didn't need control my weight (/TДT)/....

    yaoi fangirl September 16, 2016 7:09 pm
    I just think that his arms is too thin... Maybe not i know many people that eat eat eat and not fattening a grass.... oh! how much i wanted to born like that so i didn't need control my weight (/TДT)/.... Sangria

    There are people like that in rl. My friends eats like a body builder but is really skinny.

    Anonymous September 16, 2016 7:45 pm

    Lol. This discussion reminds me time when I went as exchange student to US. During swimming class people started to staring at me and then some asked "is there a hunger in your country?"I was like wtf? ..they stoped after I put on like 10 kilos...but when I came back after a year my friends home wher asking me why did I got so fat :P
    Anyway the point is - its not always malnutrition is the ribs are showing ;)

Viv007 September 13, 2016 5:37 pm

He said disgusting. What an asshole.. Hypocrites like him do not deserved to loved by any. I am cluless as to why some pple hurt someone they say they like.. underrating other pple feelings ...

Viv007 September 13, 2016 12:28 pm

Those are a pair of well toned pecs not moobs... !

Viv007 September 13, 2016 4:02 am

The chapter 3 , story is awesome. I love the way it is written. The uke handled his feelings with loads of dignity. No whining , no emotional drama , no beating around the bush. It felt so real. I mean in reality this how some people will act while dealing with emotions.

Viv007 September 12, 2016 5:18 pm

Why does Akitsu remind me of Victoria Beckham.... !

Viv007 September 12, 2016 1:36 pm

Did I just read soft core beastiality ...

    Anonymous September 12, 2016 3:42 pm

    Yes you did.

    Viv007 September 12, 2016 3:51 pm

    :) , Author , hey Author Kuju Siam , pls change the category to Bestiality. This is no BL or Fantasy !

Viv007 September 10, 2016 8:24 pm

Being a survivor and victim by a close family member. I don't think the author is correct penning out this story. This sort of story is exploitative .

    Sebastian *-* September 11, 2016 2:36 pm

    Completely agree. But in Japan there are many authors like this one who exploit such situations and try to make them "erotic",japan should ban them. This isn't art or anything, it's an erotic manga where the child is used as a sexual tool. I bet many pedos like seeing a child saying "I enjoyed it soo much" disgusting .

    Viv007 September 11, 2016 3:14 pm

    Sebastian ,I am glad that you have the sensitivity to understand my comment. I am hoping the author is aware of this . This content is too much for reading. i am dumbfounded as to why such a talented author feels the need to exploit child sex . Yes i read BL stories but within boundaries of taste. Sex between adults and consensual is fine . I have no issues with cheating sex, break up sex , make up sex or promiscuous sex. But i draw a line where it is forceful sex / rape and shotacon. Sometimes unintentionally in name of art and creativity authors end up be firing up perversity. Let us for a moment think about victims of underage sex , i am sure for most it will only deepen their scars that they are trying very hard to heal. These are very sensitive subjects which should not be dealt for entertainment purpose.

Viv007 September 8, 2016 7:10 am

Do not like the story. 1st He is definitely disrespectful toward his subordinate for no good reason. Then he just goes ahead and dates the older brother. Then he breaks up due to his womanizing way and will rebound to the younger. What the hell , the younger brother is a human man. Give him a break. He has the right to love and be loved respectfully. I just hate characters who act all high and mighty. if i would have been the younger brother there would have been a punch on his face in the hallway only.

Viv007 September 8, 2016 4:08 am

Hmm... i am rereading it again. I may be wrong here but could ranzou be norihiko's son

    Isa-chan September 8, 2016 6:12 am

    No, he's not, Ranzo is the older brother, Norihiko is twisted from just sleeping with the Ikuro's insane mother at a young age, he was in High School.

    Viv007 September 8, 2016 6:20 am

    Yeah... But if you read the mother interaction with Norihiko she says" do not go to visit the woman in the douzo". I mean she is quite persistant that Norihiko should not visit "that woman" but be with Ikurou. Also Ikurou says in one panel "Ranzou should have been left in the douzo". It is just the way the mother is talking to Norihiko it seems like he is connected to Ranzo somehow. Also he does not manipulate Ranzo. His sympathy to Ranzo is bit different than how he sympathizes Ikurou. And also in few panels he is seen overseeing Ranzo and his caretaker. I could be wrong but i feel somewhere something is connected.

    playbyun September 8, 2016 7:48 am
    Yeah... But if you read the mother interaction with Norihiko she says" do not go to visit the woman in the douzo". I mean she is quite persistant that Norihiko should not visit "that woman" but be with Ikurou. ... Viv007

    that's because she's insane and she talks to norihiko as if he was her husband. that's why she's asking to not see that woman anymore. ranzou is not her son
    it's a bastard that his husband took at home

    Isa-chan September 8, 2016 1:19 pm

    What she/he said about is correct, the madam, was insane and used Norihiko as her husband, hence, why he caught her off guard when he kissed her, I guess her husband no longer kissed her and it was out character for her husband, and so in that moment she recovers.

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