bruh moment's experience ( All 0 )

bruh moment's answer ( All 0 )

bruh moment's question ( All 1 )

I started using this site a while ago to just read manga, and I've just realized this 'questions' tab exists after making an account.

Oh my GOD you guys have brain damage.

I've got no problems if you wanna talk about series' on here or share actual questions and experiences, but why the fuck are people using the term 'straggot'? It's as dumb to calling a white person 'whitey' as an opposite of the n-word. It's just plain petty.

Hello? Any functioning members of society here???

Seriously, grow the fuck up and let people enjoy their manga.
18 10,2020

People are doing

did show me your favorite manga

Just some of them:

2 hours
did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 days
did scuba diving


1 days