Novel readers please give me all the spoilers you have, did survive, what's next please i am begging you like the beggest begger in the whole begdom please give me spoilers

He survived with the ring. Remember he already store his magic in the ring so when they leave him alone though after they beating him he activated the ring and change himself become a bird and escape flying to the mansion. He is in very bad shape and chased by count rito to kill him. But yeah he escaped by himself

Tbh I won't say that they could've thought of a better idea, because 1. They are in a messed up situation that only calls for a messed up solution and 2. They are raging teenagers, who sure can't come up with a "plan". They did good. Omg sweetie you are doing amazing. Hit my head too. And live away.
Is ido out of his mind like why tf he always has that making glock out????? Like girl dipose of it