MidnightWorld April 6, 2020 8:47 am

Sometimes I rlly hate how yaoi just brushed off rape. Like maybe it’s because the seme this time has a really punchable face and annoying personality but man...this yaoi just ain’t it. Gonna drop it

MidnightWorld April 5, 2020 9:46 am

If you were hoping for a ship between the two characters in the cover like me IT DOESNT EXIST ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; but if you’re into a gender bend feminine boy x boy OR a boy x female+male boy this is the manga for you! Just warning you because I rlly wanted the loli x servant relationship and this manga is NOT THAT ;-;

MidnightWorld March 28, 2020 12:17 am

Can someone please give me a summary from the point of when blue haired Mori Jin and Dae Wi double tag the org (before Mira comes out) to now. I’m not even gonna lie when I say I got real tired of how the story was being played out and how Mubong park still was was escaping. I just want regular Mori back :(. If you would kindly give me a summary I would really appreciate it!

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 8:49 am

    What was your last chapter? I'm pretty confident that I remember it, but mostly when I read, I swear at everyone (including Mubong)(≧∀≦)

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 9:25 am
    What was your last chapter? I'm pretty confident that I remember it, but mostly when I read, I swear at everyone (including Mubong)(≧∀≦) Scarlett

    I think around 420? Maybe a few chapters past?

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 9:28 am
    What was your last chapter? I'm pretty confident that I remember it, but mostly when I read, I swear at everyone (including Mubong)(≧∀≦) Scarlett

    I think a lot of the events are getting mixed up in my head but I think I remember it was after mori Jin and fox guy fighting?

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 11:17 am

    ***Summary (From 420's to latest update)

    • Mori and Ilpyo "fought". Daewhi took Mori away, and peole saw Ilpyo as a new "leader". Media released bad news about Mubong, so the public began disliking him. All part of the plan of Mori, Daewhi and Ilpyo.
    • Seungcheol told them that Mubong is working with NASA to revive Tathgata. Did some researched, saw picture of younger Mandeok and Mubong. Found out Bible Nox: prophecy book that matches their history.
    • Seungcheol said about Mandeok and Mubong: One chose the path of creating a world with God and the other one chose to destroy the gods.
    • Mori and Daewhi launched rocket to the moon, hopefully to stop Tathagat's revival.
    • Seungcheol together with NASA went to the Moon, where Tathgata is being revived. He wanted to bring King Uma back!!! (IM WEEPING)
    LOCATION: Underground of Star Library Coax
    • Mandeok asked Mubong to work together. He refused but due to circumstances, agreed to work temporarily together.
    • Mandeok wants to revive his sister while Mubong wants to create a world where of only HUMANS, eliminate those who threaten humans aka Gods.

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 11:19 am

    ***SUMMARY (From 420's to latest update)

    • Daewhi's sis is married(?) to Q. They got 3 kids!!!!! (Ch. 440 page 55). He used Gravity x100000 when he saw Executive Q and his nephew said, he's a cool uncle. Sis asked Q to take care of Daewhi!
    • Mori, Daewhi and the others soon got underground too. Including with Xiaochen, Sujin, the rockstar and the girl wearing yellow/orange sweats (from the tournament LOL)!
    • Mori and Daewhi promised that the next time they meet... they'll be with Mira. I'm crying!!!
    • Mandeok ordered his people to protect Mubong cause he's important in fulfilling the prophecy. A lot of flashbacks about their story. Mandeok used to be on a wheelchair, had an older sister, was part of the "Cult")
    • Mori "killed" Mubong. He hit him a lot of times saying "This is for my grandpa... this is for Mira...." and his heart stopped. Mandeok pulled some shit to "revive" him. Mori managed to cut his right knee while he was escaping with Mandeok.

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 11:20 am

    ***SUMMARY (From 420's to latest update)

    • Mori got blocked by the Mori Jung (the one working with Mandeok). The Mori Jung can control Geundoowun!!! Mori Jung got tired of being "Fake", that fuel his anger against the REAL Mori. He was defeated and Mori said he is real, since his scars around the body are different.
    • Executive O was defeated (killed) by Bishop Xiaochen. No regrets on serving Mubong and wanted P to be happy. Dragon Changsik's babies liked Sujin, who became the new Dragon Master)
    • Ilpyo eventually become the (second) World President.
    • Mandeok ordered "little Daewhi" to keep calling Mira "Mom" every time Daewhi is around, to keep eye-patch on his eye even if he's not injured. A mind game. Little kids knows Mandeok is only using Mira.
    • Latest Update: Mira managed injure Daewhi and Daewhi showed him a picture of them 3 (w/ Mori). Xiaochen arrived and rejected Daewhi as her leader (Sujin unlocked her powers). Mira asked, "Who the hell are you" and Daewhi said, "I can't do this without you... Someone who likes you"!!!!

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 11:21 am
    I think a lot of the events are getting mixed up in my head but I think I remember it was after mori Jin and fox guy fighting? MidnightWorld

    I posted some LONG summary. Sorry, I got carried away! Hopefully it helps and sorry if I created more confusion.

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 11:30 am
    I posted some LONG summary. Sorry, I got carried away! Hopefully it helps and sorry if I created more confusion. Scarlett

    Thank you SM for your hard work!!!!!! Damn all that happened? Things are getting HELLA complicated. Thank you again for the summary :)))))))

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 11:36 am
    I posted some LONG summary. Sorry, I got carried away! Hopefully it helps and sorry if I created more confusion. Scarlett

    I’m also lowkey disappointed that my thoughts were correct about how this story would play out. It became less about Mori Jin and more about the rest (especially Mira and Daewei). I mean I don’t hate those characters, I think I just missed the moments from the beginning too much

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 11:58 am

    In a way, Mori's only fighting for revenge while others accompany him, but also fighting for different reasons. It was so simple back then. I also miss the times when Mori only ever wanted is to reunite and live with his Grandpa again. Not gonna lie, too much "side" stories are happening at the same time! I always have to backread 2-3 chapters whenever there's an update

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 12:06 pm
    In a way, Mori's only fighting for revenge while others accompany him, but also fighting for different reasons. It was so simple back then. I also miss the times when Mori only ever wanted is to reunite and liv... Scarlett

    I get what you mean. Beginning GOH was another level of good. I feel like rn this story is become a mess and filled with stories that I don’t have interest in. It’s like the author COULD end the story but chooses to drag it on and add more and more.

    Scarlett April 3, 2020 12:14 pm
    I get what you mean. Beginning GOH was another level of good. I feel like rn this story is become a mess and filled with stories that I don’t have interest in. It’s like the author COULD end the story but c... MidnightWorld

    I'm still reading because I'm a sucker for Mori, Daewhi and Mira. I wanna see them get happy endings! Plus the anime version is on its way!!!

    MidnightWorld April 3, 2020 12:26 pm
    I'm still reading because I'm a sucker for Mori, Daewhi and Mira. I wanna see them get happy endings! Plus the anime version is on its way!!! Scarlett

    Yup! I’m excited!

MidnightWorld March 25, 2020 11:25 am

The only thing going for MQ and Chang are their face and muscles. Ngl don’t like both of these guys. Ed deserves better. You can’t say deny the last part as least. ED DESERVES BETTER. Also it sucks that there’s a stigma around porn. Everyone watches it but nobody protects the workers. Why degrade the very thing people want. Especially towards men who do gay porn. Male toxicity is disgusting. Also if ur reading this remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing and stay safe!

    Sugakookie March 25, 2020 11:39 am

    "The only thing going for MQ and Chang are their face and muscles" lmao isn't that like 70℅ of yaoi semes? xD And I totally agree with you!

    PerishedThought March 25, 2020 11:44 am

    I agree with you!! Ed really deserves better. Can't even put flowers on the grandma's gave without Chang acting like a hypocrite. You basically said he should sell his body, and he did, now you're upset about that??
    Honestly, even the journalist was a douche. Wanting A statement while degrading Ed then saying 'I jerk off to your videos, imagining I'm having sex with you' wtf
    And I'm pretty sure Ed's job did some thing illegal. They don't have a clause or rule that he can't do gay porn. But they fire him anyways cause it'll make the company look bad.

MidnightWorld March 21, 2020 6:23 pm

I mean trust doesn’t mean forcing people to tell their secrets and make them feel guilty for not. She rlly do be spoiled tho

MidnightWorld March 1, 2020 8:24 am

But WHY HAVE I BEEN SEEING HIM FOR SO LONG. He’s not one of my favorite characters and the fact that I’ve had to see him this much makes me v v sad. Hopefully the author goes back to his main storyline. But I hope he’s also been enjoying his creative adventure so far.

    zgaah-chan March 2, 2020 7:03 pm

    He is on his main story line, kurapika is one of the four main characters:)
    And even if he didn't bring up the dark content arc and focus on characters like gon and killua that would just ruin the story hence the last arc in the anime was the selection arc and if the dark content arc didn't exist the whole selection arc would be some what Be useless,plus he can't exactly write about gon or killua(because of you know what happened to gon don't wanna mention spoilers just in case)(and killua is just traveling also with you know who sooo he can't really write about them yknow?)

    zgaah-chan March 2, 2020 7:04 pm
    He is on his main story line, kurapika is one of the four main characters:)And even if he didn't bring up the dark content arc and focus on characters like gon and killua that would just ruin the story hence th... zgaah-chan

    Lmao is it obvious i like kurapika too much?

    MidnightWorld March 3, 2020 5:10 am
    Lmao is it obvious i like kurapika too much? zgaah-chan

    Lmaooooo after a while the dark continent arc became really boring for me so that’s why I’m complaining a lot don’t mind it. I just wanted a lil change because it’s been going on for so long and it’s even worse because the uploading schedule is slow.

    zgaah-chan March 3, 2020 5:43 am

    I really love this arc actually altho it kinda didn't start yet its more like (the war between you know whom) i feel like we're not gonna see the actual dark content until a long while but i really don't mind since i like this arc so much

    zgaah-chan March 3, 2020 5:43 am
    I really love this arc actually altho it kinda didn't start yet its more like (the war between you know whom) i feel like we're not gonna see the actual dark content until a long while but i really don't mind s... zgaah-chan

    But I really wish he would upload more frequently i miss leorio too much:(

MidnightWorld January 11, 2020 9:12 am

As soon as you meet a homewrecker IMMEDIATELY GO FOR THE KILL. You are legally allowed to beat them up for sure

MidnightWorld January 3, 2020 12:02 pm

I just want Ohma back. Gosh damn it why can’t they turn supernatural mid way and bring him back to life ;-;

MidnightWorld December 9, 2019 4:25 am

But like at least have a strong and consensual relationship before trying new things. Like I know the mc is enjoying it but the fact that’s he’s starting to do all of this just because he doesn’t want to stop his relationship with the girl is borderline toxic (my friend was in a unhealthy relationship where she felt that she needed to continue doing certain things in order to keep her boyfriend happy which wasn’t as fun and pleasing as this manga makes it out to be).

    MidnightWorld December 9, 2019 4:31 am

    And like I know this manga isn’t that deep but I kinda feel like esp since it’s a Lezhin comic so there’s a LITTLE more plot than the average porn, it kinda touches on that area a little too closely and realistically for my liking. Lol anyways that’s just my opinion. I just wanted to make sure there aren’t young viewers who are mistaken or smth.

    pancakes December 9, 2019 5:11 am

    I agree. In fact i think im dropping this. I love a good bdsm story and i dont mind if this is poly even but it bothers me so much how blonde mc barely has any control over their relationship They dont even have safe words!!!

    I get that he willingly entered into the relationship but no one can deny the power the girl has over him and how that doesnt make it easy for him to just tap out off it. Unlike her relationship with the other guy who seems more at ease with her and who can speak with her comfortably, MC is always in fear that she would leave him.

    Good BDSM/ master servant play exist when both parties understands above all that equal power dynamics exist in both sides. If that diesnt exist, that just opens the door to abuse

    MidnightWorld December 10, 2019 1:41 am
    I agree. In fact i think im dropping this. I love a good bdsm story and i dont mind if this is poly even but it bothers me so much how blonde mc barely has any control over their relationship They dont even hav... pancakes


    Mahiru December 10, 2019 8:35 am
    I agree. In fact i think im dropping this. I love a good bdsm story and i dont mind if this is poly even but it bothers me so much how blonde mc barely has any control over their relationship They dont even hav... pancakes


MidnightWorld November 27, 2019 9:23 pm


    CrabMelon November 27, 2019 9:30 pm

    the fashion life chose him.... there is no other way ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

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