Nammmi January 1, 2018 8:07 pm


Nammmi December 26, 2017 4:53 am

You gotta be kidding me... Im scared here reading all these "cute", "lovey dovey" comments. He abused his friend. Sexual abuse. Rape. You shall not use cute words to describe what happened.

    Thush04 December 27, 2017 1:40 am


    Passerby-san December 28, 2017 10:42 am

    Bruh many yaois are way rapier than this shit. This is fantasy, it's porn. It's supposed to be hot not moral.

    Thush04 December 29, 2017 4:09 am
    Bruh many yaois are way rapier than this shit. This is fantasy, it's porn. It's supposed to be hot not moral. Passerby-san

    There you have it c:

    Nammmi December 30, 2017 4:35 pm
    Bruh many yaois are way rapier than this shit. This is fantasy, it's porn. It's supposed to be hot not moral. Passerby-san

    The fact that there are some mangas way worse than this one doesnt make it right. Even though its a fantasy, it still makes me feel sick, it isnt hot for me at all.

    Passerby-san December 30, 2017 8:06 pm
    The fact that there are some mangas way worse than this one doesnt make it right. Even though its a fantasy, it still makes me feel sick, it isnt hot for me at all. Nammmi

    I'm just sayin, if you have time to complain about this one how about you spend it complaining about the really shitty ones like Okane ga Nai, Koisuru Boukun, or Caste Heaven.

    Nammmi December 31, 2017 2:13 am
    I'm just sayin, if you have time to complain about this one how about you spend it complaining about the really shitty ones like Okane ga Nai, Koisuru Boukun, or Caste Heaven. Passerby-san

    First, because I complain about what I want to complain about. And I was reading this manga and not another one, so I complained about this. Second, I do whatever I want with my time. Take care of yours. LOL

    Passerby-san December 31, 2017 8:12 pm
    First, because I complain about what I want to complain about. And I was reading this manga and not another one, so I complained about this. Second, I do whatever I want with my time. Take care of yours. LOL Nammmi

    There are better things to do than get butthurt from a fictional pornographic comic lol

    Nammmi January 4, 2018 12:22 am
    There are better things to do than get butthurt from a fictional pornographic comic lol Passerby-san

    There are better things to do than get butthurt from a different opinion than yours lol

    runicclover January 12, 2018 5:11 am
    There are better things to do than get butthurt from a different opinion than yours lol Nammmi

    Totally molestation, with you there... but consent given afterwards is still consent, dubious as it may be. There's another comic with an extremely similar premise (guy routinely screws his friend while he's sleeping) where this is addressed in the "that was NOT ok" way and the difference between the two comics and how the characters handled it is rather striking.

    Dubious moral grounds abound in yaoi land!

    Passerby-san January 12, 2018 10:28 pm
    There are better things to do than get butthurt from a different opinion than yours lol Nammmi

    If we're calling people butthurt then you making a comment and religiously replying to all of it's replies because you didn't like a manga is a sword in the sphincter.

    astralsensei January 14, 2018 2:56 am

    Yeah you can't deny that this was a messed up story. That's so scary ack! Imagine it happening irl! Then regret that you imagined that! He literally did just sexually abused his friend with no consent whatsoever!

    DeathHerself January 15, 2018 12:50 am

    Don't disrupt the safe haven for the immoral it's not that hard to ask okay. Leave me to my slightly fucked up stories and we are all aware of the line between reality and fiction

    We_want_YAOI January 27, 2018 1:56 am
    If we're calling people butthurt then you making a comment and religiously replying to all of it's replies because you didn't like a manga is a sword in the sphincter. Passerby-san

    I wonder why they're reading yaoi then complaining about yaoi stuff. They should just go back to reading shoujo's for fluffy duffy story with super upright moral plots or whatsoever.

    They're ruining my fujoshi moment. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    astralsensei January 27, 2018 2:19 am
    Don't disrupt the safe haven for the immoral it's not that hard to ask okay. Leave me to my slightly fucked up stories and we are all aware of the line between reality and fiction DeathHerself

    But can't you admit that this was a pretty disturbing story about a dude raping his best friend while he was asleep and his best friend had no idea whatsoever about this? This wasn't a really good story more of a disturbing one that ended up being really unrealistic.

    We_want_YAOI January 27, 2018 2:49 am
    But can't you admit that this was a pretty disturbing story about a dude raping his best friend while he was asleep and his best friend had no idea whatsoever about this? This wasn't a really good story more of... astralsensei

    Nah. After being a fujoshi for years, I can say this is a pretty soft story. Like what I was saying before, we, fujoshis, know and we are aware that these mangas has rape and other elements, and we read it because WE LIKED IT. These mangas lets us dream, fantasize. And YES this has become the norm in yaoi mangas, this has been the norm WAY BEFORE we're even aware of yaoi manga. We became fujoshi because of these reasons and not the other way around. We respect others reading shoujo and their shoujo mangas, so please respect us, our yaoi mangas and our fetishes.

    Disclaimer. No, I'm nota supporter of a REAL LIFE RAPE, we know what is real and what is fantasy so calm yo tits. And for those who will say "oh you bitch you support rape blah blah blah". I saw a lot of hypocrites here who bashes yaoi with elements of rape but reads a yaoi manga with shouta in it and WE DIDN'T judge you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Nammmi January 27, 2018 7:17 am

    I still dont get why so many people were so easily offended. You can argue as much as you want, but you cant deny that he sexually abused his friend and that this is wrong. Saying that this manga is lovey dovey etc is bizarre and that was what my initial comment was about. Now if you enjoyed the story and think it's okay because it's just a manga, then we're already discussing something else, right?

    Nammmi January 27, 2018 7:34 am
    Nah. After being a fujoshi for years, I can say this is a pretty soft story. Like what I was saying before, we, fujoshis, know and we are aware that these mangas has rape and other elements, and we read it beca... We_want_YAOI

    I got a bit lost reading your comment, maybe because my english is not very good, but... I dont know what the "norms" of yaoi and being a fujoshi are, but I know what > I < like and what > I < dont like. I know that some Yaoi have this kind of content, but that doesnt meam that I need to enjoy it to be a Fujoshi. If you like, its ok, everyone has your own preferences and we all show respect that.

    We_want_YAOI January 27, 2018 1:31 pm
    I got a bit lost reading your comment, maybe because my english is not very good, but... I dont know what the "norms" of yaoi and being a fujoshi are, but I know what > I < like and what > I < dont ... Nammmi

    I'm sorry for the english. Not my first language. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Nammmi February 15, 2018 2:09 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mamaG123

    "You dont like rape yaoi, go read shoujo" Yeah... Because every yaoi manga is like this one. You're right........................ I wont stop reading a genre that I like just because one manga didnt please me. And as far as I know, I cant have an opinion and talk about things that I dont like, so... If YOU dont like my opinion, my topic etc, you can ignore and just go away. Or you cant stay and discuss, instead of crying "omg they said its bad sobsob"

    Nammmi February 15, 2018 5:45 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! mamaG123

    I think you misunderstood what I said. If you dont like my opinion you can ignore and go away OR you can stay and discuss instead of crying. Go back and read again pls, then we can talk (or not)

    Nammmi February 15, 2018 7:43 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! mamaG123

    I will try to explain one more time... I support every healthy discussion! Because you are FREE, I believe you can come here and express your opinion, but you can also ignore and go away if you think its better. All I said is that I prefer if you discuss instead of keep whining, because someone doesnt agree with you. And if we are talking about freedom of speech... What about people saying that I should read shoujo? Saying that Im not a fujoshi? Saying that I should shut up instead of ruinning the mood? Who is really trying to shut up who here?

    Geo March 4, 2018 12:13 am

    Dead tube
    Kusatta Rasen
    Ibitsu no Kakera
    Aku no Hana
    Mai chans daily life
    Kanpai! dj Unapai
    Kami no Kodomono
    You will love these

    Anonymous March 4, 2018 12:32 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! mamaG123

    you were basically telling op to go elsewhere because they voiced out their opinion on other people labeling this manga as "cute" "lovey dovey" when it's not (opinion that its not cute), it's rape (fact because uke DID rape seme). you're the one here trying to shut someone up. yet you talk about freedom of speech? hypocritical of you isn't it?

    as for op, people can see of this as cute all they want if they think it's cute. they can say this manga is cute and lovey-dovey all they want. you don't have to tell other people to not use specific words to describe this. if you know opinions, then you should have known it's their opinion this manga is cute.

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo March 21, 2018 4:07 pm

    Yeah , I find it disturbing as well that people use "cute" , etc to describe it , but I think they're misrepresenting their thought . They probably have rape fetishes , etc and this is the perfect jerk off material for them . They probably would condemn it in real life ,or if the uke "resisted enough " , or if the rapist wasn't a pretty boy ( was fat/unattractive) because that'd break their fantasy . So don't pay them any attention , they don't really mean any harm . It's just delusions and defence mechanism .
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Btw , don't mind the onslaught of defensive comments either . We all get them (in the yaoi fandom) .
    People just can't seem stand it when you break their fantasy ...

    But I'd disagree on one thing maybe , the you "shall not" may have sounded more like a command / personal attack on people who find this manga arousing rather than an opinion . Other than that , I totally agree with you .~

    Fukessu March 21, 2018 10:25 pm

    For God's sake this conversation is still fucking going on OMG people let it reattach already

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo March 22, 2018 1:57 am
    For God's sake this conversation is still fucking going on OMG people let it reattach already Fukessu

    I mean , you could just mute if you don't wanna get notifs ?
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Fukessu March 22, 2018 2:07 am
    I mean , you could just mute if you don't wanna get notifs ?( ̄∇ ̄") KoizumikKawaiiChairo

    But honestly tho this question was posted in December 2017 and it's now March 2018

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo March 22, 2018 2:41 am
    But honestly tho this question was posted in December 2017 and it's now March 2018 Fukessu

    Lol , that's a long time . Did I just pull it out of the grave again ?
    Though , I really didn't notice the posting date ...
    (⊙…⊙ )

    fucking stfu March 22, 2018 3:16 am

    wow a bunch of bitches calling each other bitch. how entertaining

    KoizumikKawaiiChairo March 22, 2018 1:39 pm
    wow a bunch of bitches calling each other bitch. how entertaining fucking stfu

    " The Real Fujoshis of Mangago " ?

    Gragill July 2, 2018 6:24 am
    Bruh many yaois are way rapier than this shit. This is fantasy, it's porn. It's supposed to be hot not moral. Passerby-san

    Exactly. This fantasy is not to be taken literal and moral, it's just porn with a longer plot than normal videos. It's like complaining about why in a porn a chick fucking her brother is inmoral... it's a fucking porn, no one cares if the premise is moral or not cuz we're here for something else.

    Wingy November 25, 2018 10:27 pm

    Yeah, really. This is meant for enjoyment, and the Seme agreed anyways, it's not like he kept doing it eve after he was told to stop. Why'd you even read it of you hate it this much? If you got all the way through the manga then you should've left earlier if you were going to get this butrhurt over it. Have a nice day ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Andromeda April 7, 2019 10:11 pm
    Yeah , I find it disturbing as well that people use "cute" , etc to describe it , but I think they're misrepresenting their thought . They probably have rape fetishes , etc and this is the perfect jerk off mate... KoizumikKawaiiChairo

    +1000 points for your answer ヾ(☆▽☆)

    :| May 12, 2020 2:17 am

    wtf is wrong with those people who are justifying rape?
    so fiction suppose to have rape and u r fantasizing about getting raped....*disgusting*
    i am a fujoshi for almost 8 years now but i don't understand the idiots who call rape cute...
    y'all are still kids, aren't you?

Nammmi December 25, 2017 8:10 pm

The second story was the only couple I didnt get who was Taurus and who was Aquarius and........ It doesnt have the profile! :(

    Dani-waah December 25, 2017 8:59 pm

    Deme was the Taurus and the Uke was the Aquarius; I’m mad about the profile not being there too!!

Nammmi December 25, 2017 12:12 am

So... The seme kept lying till the end and Im supposed to like it? Hell no. You shall treat your uke better and stop lying to him. F idiot (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 Hated it!

    Kurou March 14, 2019 3:29 am

    Totally agree with you, I hated it from the start, just finished it in hopes it would have a different ending.... Uggg I feel disgusted

Nammmi December 24, 2017 6:57 am

Im a girl and I like Yaoi. Sometimes I ask myself: Why do I like this genre so much? And I came to three points: 1 - watching men doing H stuff is hot af no matter to where you are looking at (seme or uke). 2 - I used to think of myself in the place of the uke, but after reading a looooooot of yaoi, now I also fantasize about being the seme and make a man cry (evil smile). And here is the number 3 (and the point of all this talking) - I kinda hate this annoying slow pace full of "omg what to do" that is a classic in the shoujo genre and Yaoi usually isnt like that. Seriously, I cant take it and this manga is full of it. I couldnt wait anymore for their resolve and I wished I could slap both of them right in the middle of their faces lol Now that I said it all, I think I vented my frustation away and I can read another manga. NEXT! (full of lovey dovey, real drama or H stuff PLEASE) (Sry about my bad english <3 )

    samsam December 24, 2017 2:22 pm


    naisha84 December 25, 2017 7:33 am

    As a fellow girl and yaoi lover I totally understand and agree

    Namikazhua December 25, 2017 6:08 pm

    That's the reason i stuck in this genre~ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
    I dunno how to put me back on the shoujo's path *sigh

    naisha84 December 26, 2017 1:35 am
    That's the reason i stuck in this genre~ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ I dunno how to put me back on the shoujo's path *sigh Namikazhua

    When you find out let me know

    Nammmi December 26, 2017 3:23 am

    Shoujo is not an option anymore. Sad but true. LOL Im not sad at all, bring me more Yaoi pls <3

    Soul Hunter December 26, 2017 8:44 am

    I am exactly the same way!! I tried reading shoujo but went right back to yaoi and dont plan on leavin.

    Himeowchama December 26, 2017 1:49 pm

    I SO AGREE WITH THE 3RD POINT SKJDKSJS In fact, the first reason why I explored other genres and came across yaoi was bc of shoujo being annoying af ever shoujo I came across to sighh

    nicadareas January 30, 2018 7:09 am

    I agree. However, I want to add one more point. The girls in manga are annoying af. The vast majority of them are weak, crying, "somebody save me!" females. I'm not saying all are that way, but there is a disgustingly large proportion of them that act that way. I find it so unattractive. It makes it difficult to understand why the male lead likes them. There are a few good, strong female leads, but they sadly seem to be the minority.

    Yoichi July 7, 2018 6:10 pm

    Oh my god!! We have the same thought! Lol

    naisha84 July 8, 2018 12:19 pm
    I agree. However, I want to add one more point. The girls in manga are annoying af. The vast majority of them are weak, crying, "somebody save me!" females. I'm not saying all are that way, but there is a disg... nicadareas

    We aren't all like that irl either.... (No offense to anyone reading this) i believe it's a cultural difference maybe that's how some parts of the world still see women but i suppose it makes the men look very sweet and not like the jackasses we know them to be in a side note im not gonna lie those shoujo boys make my heart pitter patter but nothing gets me going like some serious BL #noturningback

    naisha84 July 8, 2018 12:22 pm
    I SO AGREE WITH THE 3RD POINT SKJDKSJS In fact, the first reason why I explored other genres and came across yaoi was bc of shoujo being annoying af ever shoujo I came across to sighh Himeowchama

    Please tell me for the love of god what does SKJDKSJS mean im seeing stuff like this everywhere its killing me. Help lol ╥﹏╥

    Himeowchama July 8, 2018 1:48 pm
    Please tell me for the love of god what does SKJDKSJS mean im seeing stuff like this everywhere its killing me. Help lol ╥﹏╥ naisha84

    Lmao omg noo it's just some random letters as if I was grumbling (≧∀≦")

    naisha84 July 8, 2018 11:10 pm

    ╥﹏╥ i feel so dumb now ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ lol thanks now I know not to freak out when I see this now thank you

    Marley September 28, 2018 4:11 am

    me personally most of the stuff I read is yaoi but from time to time I still love to read shoujo just recently I found a good shoujo takane and hana it's hilarious but your right about watching hot AF GUYS DOING THE DIRTY WITH EACH OTHER IS FUCKING HOT... I WOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM WATCHING FROM A CLOSET AND EATING POPCORN.... BUT ONLY IN MY FANTASIES WOULD I WATCH FROM AFAR....

Nammmi December 12, 2017 3:10 am

Weird, really weird.

Nammmi December 9, 2017 7:08 am


    Shipmate December 23, 2017 8:40 pm

    I just finished dunking mine in bleach xDDDDD ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    I shouldn't have googled it lol

Nammmi December 9, 2017 6:08 am

Dont know why, but Im not happy at all :( Pls, God of Yaoi, tell me why I feel so frustrated and incomplete when everyone has loved it!? :(

    OMGWHY!! December 30, 2017 1:30 am

    I understand you !! I feel the same.

    I do not know why, but ... it's the first time that I didn't want the uke to stay with the seme (shougo), even when kouichi hurt him.

    Because mitsuru take the decision to be with kouichi, even knowing that he had feelings for shougo, and then, he go back with shougo and... he only forgives him.

    Ahhhhh, i do not know how to say it clearly, but i feel incomplete like you with the end: S

Nammmi December 6, 2017 11:04 pm

Something about the whole story was reaaaaally weird, but I cant put my finger on it. And I didnt like the seme at all...

Nammmi December 6, 2017 7:24 pm

The seme was an asshole and Im not satisfied at all. You shall treat your uke better than that!! </3

    Yukiko Frost January 2, 2018 4:12 am

    If you really think so then read those (it's the continuation of the manga)
    Nemurenai Koibito
    Kusuriyubi ga Shitteru
    Mou Kimi o Matanai

    Yukiko Frost January 2, 2018 4:13 am

    If you really think so then read those (it's the continuation of the manga)
    Nemurenai Koibito
    Kusuriyubi ga Shitteru
    Mou Kimi o Matanai

    iamb February 17, 2018 4:24 am
    If you really think so then read those (it's the continuation of the manga) Nemurenai KoibitoKusuriyubi ga ShitteruMou Kimi o Matanai Yukiko Frost

    Well, he is written as an alpha male, but more than some, he explained why he acted the way he did ( he was trying to make him think of only him) and etc.. So I like him better than I though I would after he started acting cold and aloof.. I hate when the uke acts like a doormat, and in this one he was borderline.. When he walked out of the room after being told to stay I was so happy, because it's unusual... but I found his thought process realistic.. So I did enjoy this one, it wasn't hearts and flowers, but that's ok.. to me:)

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