Well... I like cute ukes, I like horny ukes, I like tsundere ukes, I like seme-like ukes with crying face... but what I like most is NAGISA!!! Omg I feel so satisfied <3 He is cool, he doesnt look like a girl, he is hot af, he is masculine, he doesnt act like a spoiled princess and HE KNOWS HOW TO SAY "BIIIIIIIIIIIITCHHHHHH GET YOUR PAWS OFF MY MAN!!" Im in love with Nagisa <3 <3

I didnt understand. Is there a Prequel? It felt like the story changed upside down at some point of the middle-end of the first chapter and I got completely lost. Couldnt even read the second chapter because I didnt know wth was hapenning :( Sad, I was really enjoying the first chapter. Pls someone help with some explanations x(
Im in love with Wakana-san <3 He is really really cute and SO GENTLE <3 Cant believe they reversed even if it was just for a moment <3 I wish I could read more mangas like these, with the seme acting like he isnt gonna die if he isnt topping, like its normal and ok to switch if you want to. I wish I had a dick only to make a guy like Wakana-san cry once in a while *dreams*