Aries followed a goer

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06 04,2024
Aries followed a goer

Hello everyone! My name is Seph, just your regular uploader. Hope you enjoy my uploads! For my upload schedule, current uploads and my completed uploads please refer to the 'My Uploads' and 'My Completed Uploads' lists on my profile.

06 04,2024
Aries like the answer
Funny story. Growing up, I was really homophobic. I got really into anime at age 14, and often read manga on online sites. I was aware of BL because of the homepage, but the idea of it disgusted me so I stuck josei or shoujo and went about my day. One day though, I decided to check it out as curiosity got the best of me. I managed to choose the mo......
Aries like the answer
my first yaoi was a levi x eren dj IT WAS ON ACCIDENT I JUST WANTED SOME PICTURES OF LEVI than i saw a picture of levi and eren and i was like WHAT IS THIS and i clicked on it AND THEN I WAS IN SHOOOOOOOOK then i never touched anything yaoi related but after sometime i started BJ ALEX SNBDBSUEJVDKS bc everybody talked about it and now look at me ......
Aries like the answer
Yes my mother knows. My sister also knows. They know because I believe I have nothing to hide about MY life. I'm going to live like I want to and indulge in the stuff that I enjoy. I never hide anything from my mother because she believes in children having privacy and having a healthy relationship with me to where I can tell her anything and I mea......
Aries like the answer
Hehehe haaa.... yes sadly I was 11 and I was reading "I'm yours blood and soul" in the car and I thought I turned off the screen... but when we were in line my mom asked what time it was and I pulled out my phone I looked at it then turned to see the face of my disappointed mother
Aries followed question about hide yaoi

Does anyone else’s mom know they read yaoi? Lmao mine does. When I was trying to explain to her what I read I even showed her explicit photos. Also when I first told her she thought I was coming out

09 01,2024
Aries like the answer
Unfortunately my parents are very prejudiced against homosexuals so if they found out I spend my time 24/7 reading comics about 2 (Sometimes 3 :p) guys fucking I'd get disowned and kicked out the house real quick.
Aries like the answer
My parents did found out in a quite embarrassing way, on top of that. It was ages ago, I was 15 or something, and was reading some steamy manga. My dad wanted my computer for a second for some reason, and I foolishly minimized window instead of closing it. Couple of minutes later he gives my mom piece of paper saying "Look what is your daughter rea......
Aries like photo (from mood)
Aries followed a goer
29 12,2023
Aries like topic of Unfinished Business

usually I'm pretty good with dropping something I don't want to read, but I was too curious to know what the backstory was here so I read all the available 24 chapters..... I actually cried at some point reading it, because I feel so so so bad for MC (Jichan). He didn't do anything to deserve being treated this way, and there is absolutely no justification in what ML (Mido, who goes by Eugene now) is doing. He's a despicable and a self-pitying, grudge-holding asshole who's taking revenge on mc for the wrong-doing of others and his own misfortunes.

sorry for the long summary:

basically, they're from the same orphanage. Apparently Mi-do's parents wanted an Alpha child?! and because it was most likely that he was gonna be an Omega he was abused and then abandoned. He was 14 y/o at the time and Ji-chan was 17 y/o when they met, and neither of them had manifested at the time.. but due to his pretty and fragile appearance and the likelihood of him becoming an Omega, Mido was bullied by a bunch of kids at the orphanage. Jichan is the one who always protected him and they got very close. In Mido's eyes, Jichan was always a shining and dazzling person so he basically both admired and loved him is what I understood. Not long after, Jichan manifests as an Alpha. The church/orphanage pastor then tells Mido that the two of them need to stay away from each other because of the whole alpha/omega situation. They meet again at their usual spot.. Mido is sad because he wants to stay close to Jichan. So Jichan tells him that there are plenty of Alpha and Omegas out there that are family, so they'll just have to become family and that way they can be together forever. They make a promise to become each other's family.
next scene, they find out the pastor actually put Mido up for adoption. Jichan is arguing with him and telling him he won't allow Mido to be sold off to some creep. He's like, I've seen how he looks at the kids so no way I'll let Mido be adopted into a family like that etc etc. Mido is also horrified and doesn't want to be separated from him. Jichan tells him that he will protect him. He tells Mido to runaway that night and wait for him at the station, and that after he steals money for them to survive, he'll meet him there. Mido runs away, he waits but Ji-chan never showed up. He fell asleep and woke up to a bunch of creeps around him. They said "you ran away from home right?" "you dont have a family" and he was like, no I'm waiting for my hyung (older brother). And the creeps said to him, "we've seen you here since the morning. No one's coming for you. YOU WERE ABANDONED." and they basically kidnapped him and he was most likely sexually assaulted (they didn't show any of that, thankfully, but idk for how long or what else he's been through).

That's it. That's the whole reason he's hateful towards Jichan and wants revenge because he never showed up and he believes that he was abandoned by him. He wants to put Jichan through exactly what he suffered as an Omega... by using a drug to turn him into an Omega and violating him over and over again. (I believe he himself took a drug and is now a Beta). One thing that's not clear to me yet is why Jichan doesn't recognize that Eugene is Mido - granted he goes by a different name and looks quite difference I suppose. For starters, he looks nothing like an Omega now and i think Jichan thinks he's an Alpha.

anyways, while he's locked up in Eugene's house.. we see a new character named "Hyun" who also grew up in the same orphanage, but long after Jichan had already left. Ji-chan asks if he's Mido.. and a whole argument starts here... Eugene then basically violates Jichan in front of Hyun and even asks him if he'd want to fuck him too. It's really a disgusting scene, but Hyun walks away. We later learn that he knows about Eugene's revenge plan and is sort of helping him. Hyun also participated in the drug tests and went from being an Omega to now a Beta. There's also the scientist guy that we don't know much about, who created these drugs. he also knows Eugene's secret and his plan for revenge, and they're using Ji-chan as a test subject.

in the midst of everything Eugene is putting him through.. Ji-chan keeps asking about Mido. "what is your relationship? what do you know about Mido? where is he" things like that. he asks over and over again and tells Eugene that he wants to see Mido. And Eugene keeps getting angry being like, "what's the point now after you abandoned him?" "what if he doesn't want to see you?" "Omega's are treated like Alphas' property. they can do whatever they want to them. Maybe the same thing happened to Mido" etc etc.

He then takes Ji-chan to the lab for a final test.. violates him again in the name of "testing". Ji-chan says that he's aware that he can't runaway anymore, but he's willing to do anything and be obedient as long as he get so to see Mido.. Eugene then tells him, "if you can make me fall in love with you, the person who hates you, then maybe I'll let you meet Mido if I feel like it". Ji-chan basically then says if it means getting to see Mido, he'll try anything.
The scientist guy then tells Eugene how absurd his condition is.. to try to make someone who hates you fall in love with you, there's no common sense in that. To which Eugene replies that he wants to see Ji-chan's fruitless desperation and struggle. to make him suffer endlessly knowing I'll never fall for him, because I hate him. That's how it should be.
He then tells Ji-Chan that there is no more testing, and if he can't accept the condition, he's free to go if he wants to and calls him a taxi. Ji-chan is in a very bad condition, it's raining, and he passes out in an ally somewhere, but thankfully Hyun finds him and takes him home. Hyun calls and Eugene and yells at him for leaving him in such a poor state and that he could have died.. etc etc. Ji-chan wakes up and they end up talking.. one thing leads to another and Ji-chan tells Hyun about what happened in the past and why he's still looking for Mido.

Long story short, we find out that Ji-chan had overheard the bully kids talk about how Mido was about to be "sold off" to some family.. but when he was stealing the money and got caught by the pastor, the pastor told him that the adoptive father is also an Omega and he just wanted a child so his wife wouldn't be lonely since they can't have kids of their own. Ji-chan realizes that maybe he misunderstood and assumed this guy was a pedophile... but there's not time to think he has to go to the station where Mido is waiting. Mido didn't want to be adopted or separated from him either so it's okay. On his way he tries to steal a wallet from a bunch of thugs, gets beaten and ends up in the hospital. He runs to the station the next morning but Mido is nowhere to be found....he kept searching for Mido, and ended up getting lured in by some gangster boss who told him he'd help him find the person he's looking for.

Hyun looks at him with shock.. after realizing he's been searching for Mido since he was 17 y/o until now, for 10 years. Ji-chan is crying because he feels guilty for not being able to keep his promise, and he doesn't know what kind of life Mido's been living. He just wanted them to be together but he couldn't protect him. Hyun apologizes to him and tries to comfort him. Ji-chan tells Hyun about Eugene's "make me fall in love with you" condition.. it's obvious that Hyun's catching feelings for ji-chan, so he offers to help him. He gives him Eugene's phone number, they have a short call where Ji-chan tells Eugene that he'll wait for him at home. He'll wait until he comes. Eugene goes home but Ji-chan is asleep.. then he has a whole ass internal monologue about how the only thing he wants is for Ji-chan to suffer etc etc. but after just that one call, he doesn't know anymore blah blah and the chapter ends with him kissing Ji-chan in his sleep.

Once again, none of this needed to happen had he just fcking asked Ji-chan why he didn't show up that night! having been an Omega himself.. why commit such cruel actions against the only person who showed you kindness and warmth? HE HIMSELF WAS A MINOR AT THE TIME AND DID HIS BEST TO PROTECT YOU! Ji-chan has been asking about Mido over and over again, hasn't it occurred to you that maybe he never abandoned you?? why not have a conversation and tell him the truth?
There has to be some miracle to turn his character around and make me like him, because as of right now, he's despicable.

Aries like the answer
I got hard... I got extremely hard When I saw two guys eating each other's faces and doing the lust and thrust I knew there and then I wasn't straight.
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 Guideverse is the supernatural world & their exists the concept of
 Esper & guide ..The more the compatibility b/w esper & guide more the efficiency in the guiding.

 Esper - are superhumans generally hunters with abilities but the more 
they use them the more dark energies they gather.

 Guide - They are the only people who can remove dark energy from espers