if yall want official up to date translations so bad buy em? these websites are built on ppl translating for others on their own time and not officially anyways thank you translators edit: to the ppl who thumbed down this womp womp

Well if you know that "these website are built on ppl translating for others on their OWN TIME" then you should also know that not all translators put their work in this website. Some scanlation groups even put things such as "Please read on our website" because their works are being sniped by uploaders. If you really want to read the available translations then read on THEIR website. It's not that hard. Honestly, there are so many ways to satisfy your own wants. And one of them is being mature enough to know how things work. Thanking translators when they don't even know whether their work is being posted here or not, lmao.

why the hell is it always never caught up like they’re always a week late and pakism literally took weeks break bruh and these uploads are STILL not caught up edit: yall mad it jst kinda crazy i get up to date full translations off of tiktok accs instead of the websites that are designed for this not mad jst annoyed…

what's ur problem? they upload super regularly. If it matters so much to you then read it somewhere else or google translate it yourself. As the other person said, you're literally reading this on an illegal website, you don't get to be that picky. It's super normal to have translations be pretty behind.
guys pls update ! pls