Huh? I don't think you have the right to fucking blame A.N.Y.F.U.C.K.I.N.G.O.N.E when you're to blame yourself. All of this is happening coz YOU FUCKING cheated on her. Soveishit. If you really pitied on that trashta, then why didn't you give her a job as a maid or sth? Then she also wouldn't have had false hopes. And any of that shit. I don't like trashta, but the maid root of the problem is you soveishit. You, you get it? No matter how much I hate trashta, it doesn't change the fact that you're the fucking worst.
I felt bad for trashta, at some point, but no you should have gone through far worse.

The smut is good. The scenes are good. But I lose interest in them the moment I remember that he is the Duke. Like, no the hell I can enjoy it no matter how juicy it is. She deserves better.
And bitch! Weren't you the one who wanted a divorce? And literally compelled her to sign? Then why do you act like you fucking care now?
So, NOW you remember you have a sister? What good brothers.