can y’all help me find a manga please. its about a guy falling in love with this robot that took care of him as a kid.
I don't know if I'm right but you should try this too!
y’all can hate yawhi of whatever but don’t call this manga trash. go somewhere else with that bull shit
nah this manhwa is trash lmfao tf you mean with bullshit its all facts
this is literally trash lmao if u consider this as a great story then maybe ur reading a bunch of shitty stories
if you think this manga is good i feel bad youve prob only read shitty manwha
This manga is so ass.. it’s literally turning into nonsense
Pls, I love how everyone agrees that it’s trash
Ah yes, insult the author's work while your reading on an illegal site. How nice of all of you.
idgaf its still trash lmao tf you want me to do? lie?
then stop reading it tf
stop fucking reading it then
stop reading it. imagine how the author feels rn
nah but what u can do it leave because literslly no one cares
i’m not gonna hate on a manga because i actually consider how the author feels. i’m not a shitty person like u. read another fucking manga u stupid piece of shit
bruh who said i was readin this shit in the first place
its true tho ,,, its so fucking bad the plot is shitty as hell. i aint gonna lie to the author by sugar coating my words bruh and u think the author gonna appreciate u defending her work or sumn? u readin this at an illegal website
yeah aii LMFAO
nah i don’t but ur hating on a manga that the author tried really hard to make. this ain’t gin make her feel any better even if it’s on an illegal site. u don’t gotta sugar coat just don’t talk at all ur better shutting up
nah cuz i can say whatever tf i want. u should know ur going to get criticism when u publish ur work in the internet, what im saying is just facts bruh no hate to the author her works are just so plain and predictable the only thing that she got going on is her good art style
many people enjoy ur story and if u don’t like and if u think only her art work is good about this then just stop going to this manga simple.
nah cuz i can do whatever i want lol i check up on this manhwa sometimes to see if the plot is still shitty and what do you know? it is
just cuz it’s not going the way u want it to don’t mean it ain’t a good manga. keep up with ur criticism tho even tho ur doing a shitty job!!
Ur so pressed LOL if this is ur fave manga just say so
didn’t u already say this like ok????
its literally a shitty manhwa youre so in denial its hilarious
just say youre a die hard fan its not hard
omg ur right i’m a die bad fan u got me omg u got me oh no
just cuz u think it’s shitty don’t mean it is. like are u fucking stupid
nah but u are. u cant even tell the difference between an actually good manga and this bland ass manhwa lmfaooo
nah i never said it was good never said it was bad. i just said calling it trash is fucking rude. don’t comment at al if u hate this manga so much it’s simple and the fact that u cant understand that just proves to me you a little ass kid
sounds like a you problem my guy. you were literally implying that this manga is so good by saying 'dont call this manga trash' going back on your own word now huh? what else you gonna do? cry about it?
how do you know what i was implying ?? like huh?? i’m not gonna judge this manga cuz it’s rude to bring down an authors work. so nah it’s a you problem LMFSO
girlie before defending the shitty plot pls know the difference between a manhwa and a manga, are u 12 or sumn?? lmfao
girlie before defending this shitty plot please know the difference between a manhwa nad a freaking manga, are u 12 or sumn?? lmfao
girlie before defending this shitty plot please know the difference between a manhwa nad a freaking manga, are u 12 or sumn?? lmfao
are you done? its really pathetic of you to continue defending this manhwa really, at least you should put effort into defending something thats actually good ykno? its not rude im just being straight forward its shitty lmfao
are u done? ur getting mad about me “defending” when all i’m saying is that what ur saying is rude LMFAO. it’s pathetic that u think ur doing something
i am doing something lol the one mad is you its ok ypu can admit it LMFAOOAO tf you think im doing right now? talking to some fuck who cant differentiate good reads to shitty reads
u see now ur back to assuming that i called this manga good
nah because u did the way ur literally defending this manhwa with all your life lol its manhwa btw
nah i’m just never gonna judge something that someone worked so hard to put together all cuz i don’t like it
ok then so be it. imo idgaf if effort is put into it if its shit its shit and this manhwa is the epitome of shit
to u bro like do u understand that. ur opinion is so small like what. no manga is shit. some will like it some won’t. it’s how life works. don’t think cuz u call it shit it is
nah are you dumb ... youre actually unbelievable why was judgement established if you aint gonna use it. tf is up with 'no manga is shit' ofc there's gon be mangas who are shit because there wont only be good mangas. cant your pea brain understand that? the fuck is up with that bullshit
what do u not comprehend?? just cuz u find it shit don’t mean other people do. in other fucking words. just cuz it’s bad to u don’t mean it’s bad at all. everyone’s allowed to have opinions but not rude ones. opinions are meant to be heard but in a respectful way. ur telling ur opinion so rudely. be better
Idk its just the fact you're reading this on an illegal website and not supporting the author at all but still feel like you can give criticism on the manga (as if anyone asked) and just being very rude for no reason but go off I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯
nah bruh i get what u tryna say but theres some shit out there that doesnt count (ec boku no pico) yh you say a opinions r meant to be heard but u aint tryna understand mine at all. its. shitty. get over it
trust me i do support the author!! since 1 year ago. i just read here now
i’m being rude?? y’all the one judging there work. so who’s rly rude here
BOY LMFAO U HAD TO BRING THAT IN HERE. how is boku no pico and this the same? like i said many people like it many don’t it’s how the world works so gtfo stupid bitch
I wasn't talking about you...
i don’t care about ur opinion LMAO. but when u make something that took time to make and someone calls it shitty you’ll know the feeling
uh i think u dont get it what they meant was me lol but anyways i really dgaf its trash man :/ the plot nah im just saying what i think abt it
ok u don’t like it that’s fine just don’t leave rude comments and keep going with ya day it’s not gonna harm anyone if u don’t comment
ok? who tf says im readin this shit on here? i aint even reading it in the first place. i support artists whose works i actually like whenver i can in the official site. the person who commented the topic is honestly the rude one 'don’t call this manga trash. go somewhere else with that bull shit' i replies because i simply has another opinion that opposes theirs. tho i said it blatantly
don’t fall this manga trash smile and that’s being rude?! LMFAOAOAOAOAOAO UR MAD FUNNY
what a hypocrite. u say that but say shit like 'go somewhere else with that bull shit'
If you're not reading this why are commenting on this anyway? That's like not watching a movie then saying it's trash, that's so stupid. The problem isn't your opinion it's how rude you're being for no reason. The person just stated not to call the manga trash cause it's rude and the authors and artist worked hard on it, there's nothing rude about that.
yep i did and what?? it is indeed bullshit to hate on a manwha someone worked hard to put together
thank u bae ily
yh if u didnt comment that shit in the first place this crap wouldnt have happened ??? like u all about giving everyone their freedom on expressing their opinions but i cant express mine? like ok yeah im blatant about it but its all facts the plot is shitty
yeah its bullshit too if u keep on denying their work has shitty plot
ok bae ur obviously very confused so why don’t u reread what i said
nah fam a LOT of ppl would agree this manhwa's shit
and a LOT of people would agree that it’s not. u see where i’m going here?? yeah aii then
well yeah people who read shitty manhwas LMFAOO
bae ur such a fan of this manga it hurts !!! i don’t care if it’s shitty to u tbh. many will agree many won’t. that’s my point. agree to disagree. understand now bae
no but why tf are i callin me bae ... its giving me very much 'sweetie' vibes stfu
do u prefer sweetie then bae
Why are you getting so mad tho? Do you have pent-up anger and you're just letting it out on random people for no reason?
no ... why are u so bothered by me tho its just weird calling someone bae when u dk them ..
I'm not bothered by you I find it funny how upset you're getting tho lmao.
well im not upset either lol
The four pages of you arguing with that other person say different but ok ¯_(ツ)_/¯
u can say that about them too lol
Took you a while to find a comeback
ok? like u still here so ur clearly bothered
Baby I ain’t bothered I’m reading better mangas/manhwas chilling <3 but since you wanted to start something by replying to me when I wasn’t even talking to you, it’s the way you’re acting like an Angel trying to defend the authors honor when you’re reading this on an ILLEGAL site what a mess whew
okkk i dont care that ur reading other mangas. telling me to whole damn story. i support authors tho do u?? exactly
boohoo, i don’t give a fuck, manga is shitty and i aint gonna lie, the art is cool but the writing and plot sucks ass lmfao
ok? LMFAO when did i ask
manga isn’t shitty just cuz it is to u don’t mean it is to other people hisoka. not even gonna question ur taste cuz i already saw ur name
dgaf lol
yeah aii