LackadaisicalChild October 21, 2023 1:15 am

at this point i think even the author is already confused lmao! why is an american calling their older brother "hyung"???

LackadaisicalChild October 15, 2023 2:04 am

authors just announced a few hrs ago the upcoming conclusion of this manhwa on X. haters who hv bn expressing their desire for its conclusion ovr the last 1000 chapters will soon hv their wishes fulfilled. so if u'r one of those who come on here just to dampen evrybdy else's enjoyment of this manhwa to say "this is still going?" or "dropping this shit"(for the 100th time), u might want to save ur clicks.

....unless of course ur only intention is to really either just rain on other ppl's parade or convince them to hate on the authors.

    Eduxi October 15, 2023 2:42 am

    What’s the authors account on X?

    taeyongis October 15, 2023 11:30 am
    What’s the authors account on X? Eduxi


    Claws October 15, 2023 8:46 pm

    This manhwa will probably end in june/july 2024 or a bit later, I predict another hiatus before that date. I don't think they will rush things only because of haters but they feel pressured and it showed in with the last hiatus and those old tweets fighting against illegal sites.. this manhwa got more popular than their previous work so it turned things more complicated

LackadaisicalChild September 23, 2023 9:21 am

dunno hw author-nim wld be able to redeem jk's character at ths point. that has got to be 1 of the absolute worst in all of the BLs i hv read so far. JK is just a well drawn, hot ML,but he's definitely at the top 5 of the worst main leads in a bl

LackadaisicalChild September 16, 2023 2:57 pm

i was wonderng hw author wld spin that fanstasy trope. i mean we all knew cain was a dog,but the way they played it was a total let down. Cain's family is probbly the most normal in this entire story. if a fam mmber wld suddnly insist they were a dog in their past life,i'd prbbly thnk of sending them to a mental institution too ngl

LackadaisicalChild September 8, 2023 10:49 pm

i am team yahwi but evn i can't stand what jooin is doing 2 cain at this point. i hv half a mind 2 twt the artist on x now. only, i dont want to be classified among the toxic, obsessive, psychotic fans lol

LackadaisicalChild September 2, 2023 11:59 am

comments section going all cray again jst coz story's kinda tipping twards yahwi again, sorta. i nver see ths much hate/violent rxns whenever cain gains an advantage. not saying ths further solidifies my belief that cain stans are the toxic ones but... well, sorta kinda pretty much along those lines lol

    ☂WooSanShipper☂ September 2, 2023 12:22 pm

    This. This

    Just September 2, 2023 12:37 pm

    I can see where you are coming from with your point. So I'll just say this once and not have a back-and-forth with you. You stated your point, now here is mine. Even though it'll be hard for you to fathom what I'll say, I'll still say it.

    I'm on the side of love, respect, and treating one as a human being not as a tool to play with. In this story, Cain is the one who provides it.

    Of course, artistic-wise, Yahwi and Jooin do look good together. While Cain, on the other end, looks like a last-minute drawing character. Still, this last-minute drawn character knows the meaning of love and respect and that makes him so handsome from the inside that it overshadows his physical aspect. For me, Cain is hot physically btw.

    Yes, you might say it is fiction, get over it and move on. But, you need to know that rape, psychological/mental/emotional abuse, and manipulation pointed out in any type of genre are not something that can be considered fiction. It's a real-life issue highlighted in a fictional story of course. But that does not mean that because the story is fiction, rape, or abuse is also fiction.

    Whatever the outcome of this story, I just hope for all of them to find happiness. But in my opinion, Yahwi needs a lot of therapy before he can put himself back in the dating market.

    LackadaisicalChild September 2, 2023 1:12 pm
    I can see where you are coming from with your point. So I'll just say this once and not have a back-and-forth with you. You stated your point, now here is mine. Even though it'll be hard for you to fathom what ... Just

    i swear u hv a point, u do, but insulting the prson u are tryng 2 get ur point across to is never a way 2 do it, girl. "Even though it'll be hard for you to fathom what i'll say, I'll still say it" ?? r u tryng 2 say ur piece or is this a roundabout way 2 insult my intelligence? i may not write a novel-like post liike u do, but i can assure u, not only can i "fathom" what u just said (do u rlly thnk it's that deep?), i can also write a whole ass discouse on it should i choose to. ur attempt 2 throw a shade at me and disgustingly elevate ur comment like it's some deep literary work is funny to me, honestly. should u hv worded it differntly,i myt hv been inclined 2 respond 2 u respectfully.

    coffeedrinker September 2, 2023 1:16 pm

    bestie i just hate seeing “think of the poor rapist! he’s had a rough childhood!” plot lines, im pretty sure that’s the boat most “jooin x cain” people are. yahwi has undeniably raped and abused jooin.

    LackadaisicalChild September 3, 2023 3:06 am
    bestie i just hate seeing “think of the poor rapist! he’s had a rough childhood!” plot lines, im pretty sure that’s the boat most “jooin x cain” people are. yahwi has undeniably raped and abused joo... coffeedrinker

    y'know i wld hv 2 reread the entire thng again 2 see where it is yahwi "raped" jooin. i cant rmmber a sngle time he did,so i wldnt be agreeing on that. f based on what i rmmber,i wld call the whole thng as dubcon,not rape. but i won't deny the abuse part,yahwi did in fact slap jooin. but he is not a rapist,as cain-stans wld like 2 kp making ppl agree on. anyway,the point of my post above is this (actually,the point of all of my posts so far on this manhwa): why can't c-stans jst let y-stans enjoy reading? u dont like their comments? nobody is forcng u to. why can't y'all move along,or start ur own topic nd wait 4 ppl 2 agree w u? i dnt get ppl sliding into othr ppl's comments jst to argue like what r u rlly hopng 2 achieve? start ur own topic if u dont agree! c-stans startng argumnts aftr arguments on y-stans comments like it's their problem that those ppl like the character they hate, tf? what,r u hoping 2 change their minds? do u thnk arguing undr their comments will suddenly make them like cain? wth. it's rlly not that serious. all thse unnecessary drama over ppl liking the manhwa that we are all readng, talking trash, hating on it, nd then comng bck 2 kp reading jst 2 fckng hate on it some more like what the hell are y'all doing w ur lives? if u hate it so much,how about not readng? raining on othr ppl's parade 4 what? 2 show off that y'all are morally superior? ths isnt the proper forum 2 preach against dubcon! stop shaming othr ppl 4 reading, dang! it's rlly not that serious

    LackadaisicalChild September 3, 2023 3:17 am

    sorry, i meant 2 say on the last part, stop shaming yahwi stans for liking yahwi

    lev September 5, 2023 2:47 am
    y'know i wld hv 2 reread the entire thng again 2 see where it is yahwi "raped" jooin. i cant rmmber a sngle time he did,so i wldnt be agreeing on that. f based on what i rmmber,i wld call the whole thng as dubc... LackadaisicalChild

    yeah, like you said, you should reread. because he definitely has raped him. l

    LackadaisicalChild September 5, 2023 6:46 am
    yeah, like you said, you should reread. because he definitely has raped him. l lev

    i have reread. And no, he didn't. there's a difference between dubcon and noncon(rape). look it up.

    coffeedrinker September 6, 2023 2:51 am
    i have reread. And no, he didn't. there's a difference between dubcon and noncon(rape). look it up. LackadaisicalChild

    lmao, no it was rape. you could argue one of the rapes *becomes dubious during the sex*, but it is inarguably rape at the start. and even then, it’s not really dubious, it’s rape through coercion.
    ch8, jooin is too intoxicated to consent, no matter what. he literally cannot distinguish a dream from reality. this is rape.
    ch25-27, yahwi sexually assaults and forces jooin, leading to him coercing jooin into sex. that’s rape. every time jooin says no to things - which he does, multiple times - yahwi uses jooin’s feelings to manipulate him and coerce jooin into saying yes. that is rape, not dubious.

    coffeedrinker September 6, 2023 2:52 am

    also worth mentioning. i’m not a cain fan. i’m reading this story bcus of morbid curiosity - it’s like watching a train wreck. like if i *have to pick*, cain is not an abuser or a rapist while yahwi is both. but i’d rather jooin escape both of them and find someone normal.

    coffeedrinker September 6, 2023 3:08 am

    i apologize for triple responding, but i think it’s important to stress something. you think this isn’t the forum to talk about this, but this is the comments of a discussion of a story that features this kinda content - where else are we gonna talk about it?

    i agree that people should be allowed to enjoy their porn stories, and that stories that feature problematic elements like romanticized depictions of things like rape should be allowed to exist (just as a general anti censorship stance). but they should also never be immune to criticism. stories that feature rape and abuse where it is forgiven, looked past, or even looked upon positively is rampant in the primarily female and queer romantic content market. like, if you don’t wanna think about these things, that’s your decision, but it’s also wise to not interact in spaces specifically where anyone can discuss anything related to the material.

    like it or not, stories that depict rape and assault in ways like this do have a negative impact on real life. if yahwi and jooin were real people, what yahwi did would be unquestionably sexual assault and rape. they’re fictional, so it’s something we have the ability to look past much more easily and understandably - but it’s not like this is the only story in the world that does this. real people have experiences like this - where they say no but they are manipulated and/or coerced into letting it happen. jooin never even *agrees*, yahwi takes jooin’s silence and his boner as a yes. real people have similar experiences to this. Stories where it is not treated or acknowledged as rape - by the author or by fans or both - will unintentionally or not impact whether people view something like this as rape in real life. People will see dozens or hundreds of pieces like this where writers and/or fans agree it is not rape because of xyz, and that mentality will bleed into real life. Many assault victims never come forward or struggle to because of a culture that has convinced them that they weren’t really victims, because they didn’t say no even though they never consented, or because they were manipulated/coerced into saying yes.

    Penis September 6, 2023 9:08 am
    i apologize for triple responding, but i think it’s important to stress something. you think this isn’t the forum to talk about this, but this is the comments of a discussion of a story that features this k... coffeedrinker

    Im inlove w you marry me for real

    LackadaisicalChild September 6, 2023 11:50 am
    i apologize for triple responding, but i think it’s important to stress something. you think this isn’t the forum to talk about this, but this is the comments of a discussion of a story that features this k... coffeedrinker

    hello i'm about to board a plane right now so i dnt hv mch time 2 respnd, bt i promise i wil as soon as i find the time. in the meantime i'm going 2 leave a link to a short reading that jst about sums up what i thnk about this whole issue:

    i hv a several points 2 add. i'll write again when i'm able. gtg

    LackadaisicalChild September 6, 2023 11:50 am
    i apologize for triple responding, but i think it’s important to stress something. you think this isn’t the forum to talk about this, but this is the comments of a discussion of a story that features this k... coffeedrinker

    hello i'm about to board a plane right now so i dnt hv mch time 2 respnd, bt i promise i wil as soon as i find the time. in the meantime i'm going 2 leave a link to a short reading that jst about sums up what i thnk about this whole issue:

    i hv a several points 2 add. i'll write again when i'm able. gtg

    coffeedrinker September 6, 2023 2:46 pm
    hello i'm about to board a plane right now so i dnt hv mch time 2 respnd, bt i promise i wil as soon as i find the time. in the meantime i'm going 2 leave a link to a short reading that jst about sums up what i... LackadaisicalChild

    That’s a very good article and I do mostly agree with it! But it does not actually counter anything I’ve said. There is no content warning for rape or dubious consent. This is not depicted as a work of fiction with dubcon elements, but a love story where something that can easily be described as rape by coercion occurs. Like I’ve stated, these things are allowed to exist, but that doesn’t exempt them from criticism. And besides for that, I wouldn’t say this story meets the criteria set about by the article.

    coffeedrinker September 6, 2023 3:09 pm
    That’s a very good article and I do mostly agree with it! But it does not actually counter anything I’ve said. There is no content warning for rape or dubious consent. This is not depicted as a work of fict... coffeedrinker

    Additionally to clarify, it is fully different when the author and audience both know what they are depicting. This seems like neither the author nor much of the audience do. Besides for that, again, these things are not exempt from criticism. Bad writing is bad writing, and badly written sex scenes are not exempt from criticism just because they embody a specific kink or fetish.

    Even well-intended, perfectly tagged content can perpetuate rape culture myths and sexual assault misinformation that can harm people. This story is not, by the way, since it does not tag or warn. But regardless, this content (tagged or i tagged) is the unfortunate impact of these things existing in a world where our minds are easily influenced by things we read. To give an extreme example, last night my boyfriend was telling me about how the lawyers studying Alex Jones’ content to properly prosecute him even had to keep each other in check to prevent them from falling down insane, illogical conspiracy pipelines. While obviously one BL romance story is not nearly as harmful or impactful as content as insane as that, when you see romance story after romance story after romance story depict something that would undeniably be rape in the real world (because again, it would. there is no getting around this) as something that can be forgiven, as a simple miscommunication or misunderstanding, as a way of trying to portray love - that sticks with people. It doesn’t go away. And when stories like this don’t even bother to warn or inform that they are depicting “dubious consent” - well, there’s nothing safeguarding against that.

    In an ideal world, this sort of content could exist without issue. But the world we live in is not ideal, and survivors are constantly being undermined and doubted if their assaults don’t fit specific criteria. If they get aroused from their assault, if they don’t say “no” but never say yes, if they are coerced and manipulated into doing things they do not want to do - their assault is questioned and argued about by others while they are left to deal with the trauma, and while they themselves will often doubt whether or not they are a “real victim”.

    Just September 6, 2023 7:29 pm
    Additionally to clarify, it is fully different when the author and audience both know what they are depicting. This seems like neither the author nor much of the audience do. Besides for that, again, these thin... coffeedrinker

    I applaud your response. Well explained.

    Many people have a hard time viewing the rape part of the story. Then I, reluctantly went back to scan through the earlier chapters just to see the wording that Jooin used after the act. Had he said: "I finally had sex with Yawhi, I'm so happy, I can't believe it... OMG OMG", I would have said, Ok he was fully aware, and hence consent was given. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Here is what he said (while back at his dorm) and I quote: "The dream felt more real because of the alcohol. My whole body hurt... Even my butt... Why is it hurting so bad?" - Jooin.

    I do not object to the fact that Jooin, has been badly crashing for Yawhi which led to having countless wet DREAMS. Which, later, Yahwi used to his advantage.

    Had the author given a warning at the beginning of the chapter, it would have brought awareness of not to normalize the act. Because what is happening in the entire story is that the author is manipulating the narrative by minimizing the rape act.

    I remember reading a BL titled "Intentional Love Story." In my opinion, the author nailed it while creating this story because he brought awareness to topics such as sex and alcohol. There is a scene, a bit similar to the one of YTC, where one of the protagonists was so drunk that he badly wanted to have sex with the leading male he had a crush on. But the latter said something along the lines of: "I never have sex with someone when they are drunk." Even though the situation so extremely arousing for him, the author still managed to point out 2 things (self-control and not taking advantage of the vulnerable in any circumstances).

    Yours to claims has failed in so many points and I believe the author is trying as best as he can to reach the ending he has been expecting.

    Just like you, I'm not supporting any team but I'm on the side of love, and respect and Cain is the one providing that.

    While reading this story, I put myself in the shoes of victims of rape and how soundless their voices must feel when they are being questioned if what they've experienced is indeed rape.

    Through fiction, an artist has the power to destroy or increase the sound of the voiceless victims. To give them the courage to also condemn the crime that has been done to them. But so far, this story fails to do that.

    Just September 6, 2023 7:33 pm
    I applaud your response. Well explained. Many people have a hard time viewing the rape part of the story. Then I, reluctantly went back to scan through the earlier chapters just to see the wording that Jooin us... Just

    Sorry, "Unintentional love story" is the title for the BL.

    LackadaisicalChild September 7, 2023 2:05 am

    I have so many thoughts but i'll try to make my response as short as pssble in the limited time that i hv ryt nw. Gvng this some attention as i like that i cn hv a decent, RESPECTFUL, conversation w somebdy here (although in all honesty it's a bit annoying bcoz i go here 2 be entertained,not hv serious conversations that shld be reservd in real life!) Anyway...

    Aftr all that was said above,i thnk it's crucial to remmber that fiction & reality are two distinct entities. Wyl stories in comics,novels,or any othr form of entertainment may depict scenarios that can be uncmfortable or triggering 2 some,it doesn't mean that those enjoyng these stories condone or support such actions in real life.Fiction serves as an escape,a means to explore various narratives, including those that might be dark or controversial,w/o real-world consequences.

    It's true that content creators shld be responsible & sensitive in hw they approach certain topics,ensuring that there are appropriate warnings or disclaimers 4 readers. But at the same time,readers shld be discerning & understand the line between fiction & reality. Just as horror film enthusiasts don't necessarily endorse violence,
    manga/manhwa/manhua readers can--and should be afforded their right to--appreciate a story w/o promoting harmful real-world ideologies.

    It's essential to be empathetic & not shame indivduals for their choice of entertainment, recognizng that the act of readng does not equate to an endorsement of the actions within the narrative.Just as one wldnt assume that a person readng abt a crime in a novel supports that crime in reality,the same understandng shld be extended to all forms of fiction,including comics with dubious content. Everyone has a personal threshold for what they find acceptable in fiction,but it's vital to keep the distinction between the fictional world & our real-world beliefs & actions clear.

    LackadaisicalChild September 7, 2023 2:10 am

    that response was for you, @coffeedrinker , sorry forgot 2 hit "reply"

    coffeedrinker September 9, 2023 1:28 am

    Hello! My apologies for thrusting this conversation upon you so heavily then. I have been back and forth in terms of my opinions on these things for quite a while. I feel very strong and firmly in my beliefs, as of now.

    I want to emphasize I don’t think someone is a horrible person for enjoying these stories, and I apologize if I came off that way. I think there is nuance here and discussions to be had, and I think things like author intent and portrayal are very important to these things, which is why I talk about that and about what happens in the story so much.

    To relate to you, just a few weeks ago someone called me a “monster,” a rape apologist, and an overall horrible person that needs mental help because I told them that I think they were being cruel for saying that people who enjoy non/dubcon content should go to hell. This occurred multiple times even after I disclosed that I’m a gay man who has been sexually assaulted, and that I have enjoyed those types of works both before and after being sexually assault. They also kept telling me that I “didn’t know what it was like [to be sexually assaulted]” despite them knowing very well that I am a survivor.

    I do not think I’ll be able to change your mind, however I hope I can at least make you consider some things - which would include why people get overly upset and defensive over media and the hostility you might see. Not that extreme hostility is justifiable, but that there might be a reason this opposing mentality to your feelings is so pervasive.

    I hope that makes sense. I want to clarify that when I first read this story, it felt very much like rape or sexual assault to me - back before I was sexually assaulted myself. Now, I’m finally beginning the journey to accepting what happened and recovering - I do feel even more strongly that way, due to the specificities of my assault (that i will not get into but will say that I spent a year trying to figure out if it was assault and if i ever consented).

    Sorry for the long text, but I hope you understand that I don’t come from a place of genuine malice.

    coffeedrinker September 9, 2023 1:33 am

    Ah, and to add, I think a person enjoying a - let’s say - “bad story” is not a moral inditement on their character. By “bad story” I’m referring to like - morally bad, poor writing or plot, etc. anything that could apply there. You can like what you want, even if other ppl think it’s “bad” - and while people are justified and allowed to criticize and critique a piece of media, it is unkind and cruel for people to dunk on others for enjoying it or force ppl to see comments hating on it. So I hope I also didn’t come off that way either!

    LackadaisicalChild September 9, 2023 12:49 pm

    Breaking my usual mode of typing/posting here, which is usually heavily abbreviated and mostly careless(haha) because serious topics deserve serious attention. (And also, respectful people deserve equal respect)

    First off, thank you for sharing your personal experience. It's clear that this is a deeply sensitive topic for you, and I genuinely appreciate the courage and vulnerability it took to open up about your experiences.

    I want to emphasize that my belief in distinguishing between dubcon in fiction and real-life rape isn't intended to minimize or invalidate the experiences of survivors, including yours. I respect that our individual experiences can greatly shape our perceptions of media content, and I understand how your trauma has influenced your perspective.

    However, I still believe that fiction and reality can be separated, and enjoying certain fictional narratives doesn't necessarily translate to condoning such actions in real life. That said, I value the nuance you brought up about author intent and portrayal.

    I hope we can both acknowledge the importance of mutual respect and understanding when discussing these topics. While we may not fully agree, I appreciate the dialogue and the chance to hear your perspective.

    Wishing you strength and healing in your journey ahead

LackadaisicalChild August 25, 2023 9:11 pm

it's refreshing not to see so many "i hv droppd ths xx yrs ago nd the story is stil the same shit" or "droppng this shit (for the nth time)" or "i hate this trash,why r ppl evn readng this" posts in the comments section today. oh ya! it's coz the scales are tipping twrds cain this time lol! guess we can rlly conclude nw that cain stans are mostly the toxic ones,not only here bt also on twtr

    rin-rin August 25, 2023 10:56 pm

    The scales are indeed tipping towards Cain atm… until Jooin discovers what Cain’s keeping from him and feels betrayed and runs back to Yawhi…honestly, at this point, the most annoying one is Jooin himself… Yawhi desperately needs someone who is ready to face all of his childhood trauma and help him heal … ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    shirocat August 25, 2023 11:00 pm
    The scales are indeed tipping towards Cain atm… until Jooin discovers what Cain’s keeping from him and feels betrayed and runs back to Yawhi…honestly, at this point, the most annoying one is Jooin himself... rin-rin

    What did Jooin do wrong? Yahwi was toying with him and you kinda blame him for not forgiving him? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    rin-rin August 25, 2023 11:00 pm
    The scales are indeed tipping towards Cain atm… until Jooin discovers what Cain’s keeping from him and feels betrayed and runs back to Yawhi…honestly, at this point, the most annoying one is Jooin himself... rin-rin

    P.S. I’m not saying Yawhi’s past is an excuse for his past behavior but he deserves better than Jooin…

    rin-rin August 25, 2023 11:05 pm
    What did Jooin do wrong? Yahwi was toying with him and you kinda blame him for not forgiving him? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ shirocat

    No no that not it.. I simply find it annoying how he’s stinging everyone along because he can’t make up his mind about what he wants … throughout the story so far it feels like he only wants Yawhi but because he’s been hurt his ego doesn’t allow him to realize that and this turns ti Cain just as a rebound… I believe that the moment he founds out Cain’s secret he’ll use it as an excuse to go back to Yawhi (who will have started probably moving on) and reopen all his wounds while at the same time leaving Cain stranded and hurt.

    rin-rin August 25, 2023 11:11 pm
    What did Jooin do wrong? Yahwi was toying with him and you kinda blame him for not forgiving him? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ shirocat

    Oh and one more thing, yes Jooin doesn’t need to forgive Yawhi, however, he could have had a different reaction in this last chapter AND more importantly, he could have tried to have a conversation during the relationship… every time they would start something (although heated) Jooin would just get up and leave… he’s not completely without blain for their relationship falling through… their communication, or rather lack of, brought all this …

    rin-rin August 25, 2023 11:12 pm
    Oh and one more thing, yes Jooin doesn’t need to forgive Yawhi, however, he could have had a different reaction in this last chapter AND more importantly, he could have tried to have a conversation during the... rin-rin

    * blame

    Penis August 26, 2023 12:29 am

    Nahh you just havent gone through facebook yet lol you can see yahwi stans there slandering the author and cain and mostly jooin. On twt? You must be kidding I've been on ytc twt since 2021 even on giatus yahwi stans keep making slander comments over this ESPECIALLY when jooin and cain had sex. Both fandom are toxic there's no "most" just depends on the site you're on

    Penis August 26, 2023 1:03 am
    Nahh you just havent gone through facebook yet lol you can see yahwi stans there slandering the author and cain and mostly jooin. On twt? You must be kidding I've been on ytc twt since 2021 even on giatus yahwi... Penis

    Facebook+tiktok is a combo for toxic yahwi stans. I've alwys been on facebook ytc community and the mangago comment section is a surprise to me lol bcs you can rarely see any cain stans on Facebook its mostly hate towards jooin, cain, and the story.

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 1:19 am
    Nahh you just havent gone through facebook yet lol you can see yahwi stans there slandering the author and cain and mostly jooin. On twt? You must be kidding I've been on ytc twt since 2021 even on giatus yahwi... Penis

    i dont use facebook much. are the author nd artist there too? ive bn on ytc twtr frm the begnng. frm what i hv observd,cain stans were more vile there,taggng nd taggng waje 2 their horrible QRTs 2 make sure she wldnt miss all the crazy, vile thngs theyre became so bad that it nearly drove waje 2 depression. hence,the hiatus. ugly twts resumed on the chap when cain was "sent off" 2 his hometown.some of the thngs iv read there made me wanna hurl. and then of course ths wk it's difrent. so im jst rlly cncluding basd on the actvities there,nd here. not saying yahwi stans are better,jst that more fans of cain are worse

    Penis August 26, 2023 1:36 am
    i dont use facebook much. are the author nd artist there too? ive bn on ytc twtr frm the begnng. frm what i hv observd,cain stans were more vile there,taggng nd taggng waje 2 their horrible QRTs 2 make sure she... LackadaisicalChild

    I think the author aren't on fb but horrible comment fom facebook DOES get on twitter since they post horrendous comments while reading illegaly(you know twt people hate that) and maybe we have different feeds because in mine, i rarely see anyone tagging the author on a hate tweet about the story. Wht i mostly see in mine are yawhi stans shit talking the author and tagging them esp the chapter before and after the hiatus. Ive even see death threats tagging waje. So i see yahwi stans as WORSER(so it really just depends on your feed on twitter tbh) but Facebook stans on the otherhand are going too far esp when there was a group page that was made last year it's a ytc group but it favors yahwi stans not only do they shit talk the authors, said slurs, but they also wished someone to be raped in the streets after someone posted an essay about the yawhi rape issue. So overall both fandom are worse it just depends in your feed.

    Penis August 26, 2023 1:41 am
    i dont use facebook much. are the author nd artist there too? ive bn on ytc twtr frm the begnng. frm what i hv observd,cain stans were more vile there,taggng nd taggng waje 2 their horrible QRTs 2 make sure she... LackadaisicalChild

    Not to be rude or anything but Both fandoms are tagging the authors though, both fandoms are the cause of the authors hiatus and depression not only cain stans

    Penis August 26, 2023 1:52 am
    Not to be rude or anything but Both fandoms are tagging the authors though, both fandoms are the cause of the authors hiatus and depression not only cain stans Penis

    Not to mention but the hate also resumed when the first thing they saw after the hiatus was cain lol but your statement is understandable tbh bcs i see yahwi stans are worser bcs of my feed and you cain stans are worser bcs of your feed. Different feeds+different fandom= different perspectives

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 2:42 am
    Not to mention but the hate also resumed when the first thing they saw after the hiatus was cain lol but your statement is understandable tbh bcs i see yahwi stans are worser bcs of my feed and you cain stans a... Penis

    yea maybe. coz i still hv on my twtr my 1-sided responses 2 cain stans taggng waje on their hateful twts whch they hv alrdy deleted. i fight w them a lot on there. that's the thng,most times ths ppl delete their twts whn theyre sure waje hs alrdy read them. i dunno,mybe 2 cover their tracks? i suppose some yahwi stans r the same,not discountng that fact at all. also snce i dont use fb,i dnt hv any idea what's goin on there

    Penis August 26, 2023 3:03 am
    yea maybe. coz i still hv on my twtr my 1-sided responses 2 cain stans taggng waje on their hateful twts whch they hv alrdy deleted. i fight w them a lot on there. that's the thng,most times ths ppl delete thei... LackadaisicalChild

    Yeah i also do fight a lot of yahwi stans sending hate comments to waje there. And both of the fandom are honestly so toxic to the point where you dont know who's the real cain or yahwi stans since both fandom tend to make fake accounts saying they're for example a cain stan then say shit about the author when in reality they're from the other fandom making cain stans look bad. I saw both cain and yahwi stans do this to shit on each other and the author lol

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 5:06 am

    yea i thnk this manhwa tends to divide ppl into sharply opposing factions. still, a good debate is ok. disagreements here and there are ok. just not to the point of wishing harm towrds othr ppl. that will never be acceptable in any way, shape, or form

LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 7:21 am

ppl round here reacting to yahwi's family's tragic story as if the author jst put it there as an afterthought to make ppl like him duhhhhh

    taeyongis August 19, 2023 8:46 am

    fr like its apart of the plot and i don’t think ppl understand that like did they expect the author to leave his backstory unfinished or wha

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 4:37 pm
    fr like its apart of the plot and i don’t think ppl understand that like did they expect the author to leave his backstory unfinished or wha taeyongis

    ikr! it's literally been introduced in the story since ch5! haters jst tryna look for more reasons to spew hate jst for the sake of

LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 5:32 am

amazing how haters of this manhwa keeps coming back just to say how much they hate this manhwa. some even "dropped this a long time ago" and yet always on the comment section, more updated and commenting earlier than us who actually follow the story lol. clowns. clowns all around lmao

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 6:46 am

    You ever been too deep into a story and you’re just like.. “this is kinda wack but I mean I’m already here so might as well finish it.” It’s like that.. you can admit the story is wack and post your opinion just like those who enjoy the story and post there’s, at the end of the day it’s their time wasted not yours ya know?

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 7:00 am

    yea that's why i said it's amazing how many idiots hang around here. what self respecting individual wld keep going back to something they hate so much jst to say they hate it so much. i'm really amazed lol

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 7:38 am
    yea that's why i said it's amazing how many idiots hang around here. what self respecting individual wld keep going back to something they hate so much jst to say they hate it so much. i'm really amazed lol LackadaisicalChild

    So you’re mad that people hate the story and post that they hate the story? And say they lack self-respect due to that? And therefore they're idiots… sounds… goofy for you to say such.

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 8:00 am
    So you’re mad that people hate the story and post that they hate the story? And say they lack self-respect due to that? And therefore they're idiots… sounds… goofy for you to say such. Rainbowzlut

    who says i'm mad? it's actually entertaining seeing haters (esp those who "dropped this" lol) coming back to read the latest update and saying the same shit over and over again. spending time to read something they hate so much every week. what do we call ppl doing this if not idiots?

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 8:22 am
    who says i'm mad? it's actually entertaining seeing haters (esp those who "dropped this" lol) coming back to read the latest update and saying the same shit over and over again. spending time to read something ... LackadaisicalChild

    I call them readers? Cause that’s what they did, read it. You commenting “clowns” “idiots” “self respect” seemed like you’re a little mad, seemed like you cared to much for a manga lol that makes you seem like the idiot

    taeyongis August 19, 2023 8:48 am
    So you’re mad that people hate the story and post that they hate the story? And say they lack self-respect due to that? And therefore they're idiots… sounds… goofy for you to say such. Rainbowzlut

    mate if they hate the story then why are they reading it.. and to post a bunch of hate comments afterwards is a tad bit weird i can’t lie… it’s giving obsessed

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 8:57 am
    mate if they hate the story then why are they reading it.. and to post a bunch of hate comments afterwards is a tad bit weird i can’t lie… it’s giving obsessed taeyongis

    Dude lol I get that like 100% what I was thrown off was when they said “us who actually follow the story” like even if you come here to read the story even tho you hate it… aren’t you following the story too???? Aren’t you a reader too?? Do I make sense?

    taeyongis August 19, 2023 10:29 am
    Dude lol I get that like 100% what I was thrown off was when they said “us who actually follow the story” like even if you come here to read the story even tho you hate it… aren’t you following the stor... Rainbowzlut

    no u don’t make any sense

    taeyongis August 19, 2023 10:31 am
    Dude lol I get that like 100% what I was thrown off was when they said “us who actually follow the story” like even if you come here to read the story even tho you hate it… aren’t you following the stor... Rainbowzlut

    imo if someone keeps sending hate towards a story then they aren’t rlly a reader they’re more like a hater

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 10:45 am
    imo if someone keeps sending hate towards a story then they aren’t rlly a reader they’re more like a hater taeyongis

    A hater who keeps reading the updates which idk… sounds like someone who is following the story like every reader does

    taeyongis August 19, 2023 10:54 am
    A hater who keeps reading the updates which idk… sounds like someone who is following the story like every reader does Rainbowzlut

    lolll why’re u being so defensive.. if ur a hater ur a hater. period .

    Peachesyummyc00chiejuice August 19, 2023 12:39 pm

    Womp womp

    moonhue August 19, 2023 1:20 pm

    literally, like it’s so funny how they’re still hating over this manhwa when they can just… not read it. they keep coming back for the drama smh

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 4:30 pm
    I call them readers? Cause that’s what they did, read it. You commenting “clowns” “idiots” “self respect” seemed like you’re a little mad, seemed like you cared to much for a manga lol that make... Rainbowzlut

    r u also one of em idiots who hate this so much but then keep coming back to comment evry damnd wk jst to say how much u hate this so much? lol. read that again. sounds ridiculous ain't it?

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 4:43 pm
    literally, like it’s so funny how they’re still hating over this manhwa when they can just… not read it. they keep coming back for the drama smh moonhue

    ikr it's like, "i'm gonna read this trash manhwa nd comment nd see if i can get ppl to hate this as much as i do". or like, "lemme see if i can convince ppl to hate yahwi by commenting over nd over again how much i hate yahwi"

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 4:43 pm
    literally, like it’s so funny how they’re still hating over this manhwa when they can just… not read it. they keep coming back for the drama smh moonhue

    ikr it's like, "i'm gonna read this trash manhwa nd comment nd see if i can get ppl to hate this as much as i do". or like, "lemme see if i can convince ppl to hate yahwi by commenting over nd over again how much i hate yahwi"

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 4:47 pm
    imo if someone keeps sending hate towards a story then they aren’t rlly a reader they’re more like a hater taeyongis

    bestie's confusing a "follower" from a "hater", i can't

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 5:16 pm
    bestie's confusing a "follower" from a "hater", i can't LackadaisicalChild

    But this is a thing tho lmfaooooooo I don’t hate the story I hate as you said black hair dude cause come on we can all agree he’s a dick. So me (proud hater) will comment and call out all his flaws as a… reader cause i as a reader added it to my “reading” section as one READER does. SHOCKERRRRR Ik dude a lot to take in but it’s okay. Like idk how else to dumb it down for you guys but I’ll leave it at that lol

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 5:18 pm
    lolll why’re u being so defensive.. if ur a hater ur a hater. period . taeyongis

    Oh and in other news, besides us arguing about the story, I like your username, I assume you’re a BTS fan and I am too... anyways awkward…

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 5:50 pm
    But this is a thing tho lmfaooooooo I don’t hate the story I hate as you said black hair dude cause come on we can all agree he’s a dick. So me (proud hater) will comment and call out all his flaws as a…... Rainbowzlut

    omg girl u better consult dictionary nd soon! u coming in here talkng bout dumbing things down when u dont evn realize that jst bcoz u'r a "reader' (tf lol) doesnt mean u cannot be called an idiot or hater tf?! i kennat wid u

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 5:58 pm

    i askd, "what do we call ppl doing this if not idiots?", dude answered "I call them readers?" UH DUH? "readers" can't be idiots then? "readers" can't be haters? they mutually exclusive? lmao

    seriously, goo gle. also, check meaning of "follower' as against "haters". i'm tryna help u here. u may thank me later

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 5:59 pm

    i askd, "what do we call ppl doing this if not idiots?", dude answered "I call them readers?" UH DUH? "readers" can't be idiots then? "readers" can't be haters? they mutually exclusive? lmao

    seriously, goo gle. also, check meaning of "follower' as against "haters". i'm tryna help u here. u may thank me later

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 6:24 pm
    omg girl u better consult dictionary nd soon! u coming in here talkng bout dumbing things down when u dont evn realize that jst bcoz u'r a "reader' (tf lol) doesnt mean u cannot be called an idiot or hater tf?!... LackadaisicalChild

    Okay but now look at you replying to a hater LMFAOOOO you’re just an idiot as me I guess

    LackadaisicalChild August 19, 2023 6:34 pm
    Okay but now look at you replying to a hater LMFAOOOO you’re just an idiot as me I guess Rainbowzlut

    thank u for admitting u r an idiot

    and hv u forgotten whose post this originally is? shldn't the OP be replying to comments under her own post?

    Rainbowzlut August 19, 2023 6:49 pm
    thank u for admitting u r an idiotand hv u forgotten whose post this originally is? shldn't the OP be replying to comments under her own post? LackadaisicalChild

    But you’re replying tho, cause you could’ve just left it as it is… but here you come back to reply to me, Every. Single. Time. Like a bozo

    taeyongis August 20, 2023 11:46 am
    Oh and in other news, besides us arguing about the story, I like your username, I assume you’re a BTS fan and I am too... anyways awkward… Rainbowzlut

    nah i like bts but my username is about taeyong from nct thank u so much tho ur username is very cute :)

    LackadaisicalChild August 21, 2023 10:02 am
    But you’re replying tho, cause you could’ve just left it as it is… but here you come back to reply to me, Every. Single. Time. Like a bozo Rainbowzlut

    again, thisismypost
    maybe u can stop being an idiot for a second to let that sink in. LOL

    also, jst bcoz u think it's cool to use "tho" in ur sentences, doesnt mean u cld use it anytime u hv an urge to. case in point: i said, this is my post nd "shldn't the OP be replying to comments under her own post?" u can't answer, "But you're replying tho.."

    there really shld be limit to being n idiot bestie

    Rainbowzlut August 21, 2023 7:00 pm
    again, thisismypostmaybe u can stop being an idiot for a second to let that sink in. LOLalso, jst bcoz u think it's cool to use "tho" in ur sentences, doesnt mean u cld use it anytime u hv an urge to. case in p... LackadaisicalChild

    There should also be a limit on how much you dick ride one manga lmfaooooooooo you act like the author right there in a room with you talking about being an idiot when you’re an idiot yourself . An idiot saying I can’t say “tho” lmfaoooo tho tho tho tho what self respecting individual comes back to argue with a hater? AN IDIOT couldn’t be me. Y’all stay safe tho.

    Rainbowzlut August 21, 2023 7:16 pm
    nah i like bts but my username is about taeyong from nct thank u so much tho ur username is very cute :) taeyongis

    Omg, I’m literally trying to get into them but after this convo, I’m definitely going to become a fan

    LackadaisicalChild August 21, 2023 10:33 pm
    There should also be a limit on how much you dick ride one manga lmfaooooooooo you act like the author right there in a room with you talking about being an idiot when you’re an idiot yourself . An idiot say... Rainbowzlut

    my helping u correct ur english is acting like the author is right here w me? there u go again not making sense! lmao we're not evn talkng abt the manhwa anymore but about u trying so hard to act cool. using words like tho tho tho when not needed and phrases like "dick riding" only makes u look like a trying hard wannabe cool homie. i'm trying to help u, believe it or not. i feel so embarassed for u. is being an overacting, trying hard idiot somethng to be that proud of? genuinely curious

    Peachesyummyc00chiejuice August 22, 2023 12:48 am
    omg girl u better consult dictionary nd soon! u coming in here talkng bout dumbing things down when u dont evn realize that jst bcoz u'r a "reader' (tf lol) doesnt mean u cannot be called an idiot or hater tf?!... LackadaisicalChild


    Peachesyummyc00chiejuice August 22, 2023 12:51 am
    omg girl u better consult dictionary nd soon! u coming in here talkng bout dumbing things down when u dont evn realize that jst bcoz u'r a "reader' (tf lol) doesnt mean u cannot be called an idiot or hater tf?!... LackadaisicalChild


    Rainbowzlut August 22, 2023 1:24 am
    my helping u correct ur english is acting like the author is right here w me? there u go again not making sense! lmao we're not evn talkng abt the manhwa anymore but about u trying so hard to act cool. using wo... LackadaisicalChild

    Babe reread what I said slowly! LMFAOOOOO I said you’re dick riding a manga sooo hard like if the author is right in the room with you applauding you! What’s wrong saying ‘tho’!?! Sorry grammar police

    Peachesyummyc00chiejuice August 22, 2023 1:34 am

    Tell me that you keep me safe and never let this fade away

    Peachesyummyc00chiejuice August 22, 2023 1:38 am

    Lost in the city both eyes wide
    Ran right through all my options
    Can't seem to keep my eyes both dry

    LackadaisicalChild August 22, 2023 2:28 am
    Babe reread what I said slowly! LMFAOOOOO I said you’re dick riding a manga sooo hard like if the author is right in the room with you applauding you! What’s wrong saying ‘tho’!?! Sorry grammar police Rainbowzlut

    lol the idiot who doesnt even know the proper way to use "though" telling me to re-read lmao why r u projecting? could it be ur dick riding taeyongi is something u want to mask? u'r trying so hard, it's embarrassing. "i like your username,i assume you're a bts fan..." "nah, i like bts but my username is about taeyong from nct" "Omg, i'm literally trying to get into them but after this convo, i'm definetly going to become a fan" WTF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! she literally just said 2 sentences! but after that "convo", u definitely going to become a fan of nct?! LMAO! talk about dick riding! bwahahahaa! i feel so embarrassed for u, such a trying hard wannabe

    Rainbowzlut August 22, 2023 4:45 am
    lol the idiot who doesnt even know the proper way to use "though" telling me to re-read lmao why r u projecting? could it be ur dick riding taeyongi is something u want to mask? u'r trying so hard, it's embarra... LackadaisicalChild

    You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever ran into. You literally brought up a conversation that had literally NOTHING to do with you cause you can’t diss me any longer bahaha! You retyped everything we said LMFAOOOO!!! I genuinely like their user name and I’m genuinely going to get into the band but that has nothing to do with you lmfaooo!! Love my fans

    Rainbowzlut August 22, 2023 4:49 am
    lol the idiot who doesnt even know the proper way to use "though" telling me to re-read lmao why r u projecting? could it be ur dick riding taeyongi is something u want to mask? u'r trying so hard, it's embarra... LackadaisicalChild

    Oh and, you can’t say I’m an idiot for not knowing how to use though when you constantly keep abbreviating the majority of your words bozo! That’s not proper grammar! You’re lacking it! Get it together pookie

    LackadaisicalChild August 22, 2023 9:30 am
    Oh and, you can’t say I’m an idiot for not knowing how to use though when you constantly keep abbreviating the majority of your words bozo! That’s not proper grammar! You’re lacking it! Get it together... Rainbowzlut

    hohoho, do u evn know the meaning of the word grammar? look it up, homie

    LackadaisicalChild August 22, 2023 3:32 pm
    You’re the dumbest person I’ve ever ran into. You literally brought up a conversation that had literally NOTHING to do with you cause you can’t diss me any longer bahaha! You retyped everything we said L... Rainbowzlut

    ok, nw i hv time. sorry, ddnt get 2 gv u the attention u needed earlier. i was quite busy. anyway,i ddnt retype the convo that made u decide 2 be an nct fan (lol!) ctrl+c & ctrl+v, try it sometime. anyway,i feel like u dont hv real life interaction w ppl seeing how u dick ride around here. i can gv u the attention u so crave whenevr my schedule permits,it's ok. i wld hv 2 warn u THOUGH that i gv as mch as i get. so go on, i dont mind. sometimes i get real busy,but i promise 2 reply 2 ur comments undr ths topic as soon as i cld. I feel sorry 4 u really. anyway,u urself admitted that u'r an idiot. i askd u if u were,u responded in the affirmative. dunno why u'r so offended? u also admitted u'r a hater (evn though at 1st u denied it), so why r u getting so mad? also, this is my post, u keep coming here 2 comment, doesnt that make YOU my fan? hohoho

    Rainbowzlut August 22, 2023 8:45 pm
    ok, nw i hv time. sorry, ddnt get 2 gv u the attention u needed earlier. i was quite busy. anyway,i ddnt retype the convo that made u decide 2 be an nct fan (lol!) ctrl+c & ctrl+v, try it sometime. anyway,i... LackadaisicalChild

    You sound so dumb rn in your own comment section and that’s why I keep coming back lmaooo first of all I never denied being a hater cause I’m not. You said “haters of the story” I said I don’t hate the story only a character…. Now take that alll in. You also keep mentioning NCT.. me being a kpop fan has nothing to do with this convo! I laughed that you couldn’t come up with anything else so you copied and pasted another convo like if you one upped me LMFAOOOO you’re just trying to over shadow that every time I come back you lose! Only thing you’re winning at is being an idiot. NO ONE here is taking this conversation as serious as you are… no one. If you had a life like you said you did.. you wouldn’t give me the “attention I want”... which thanks btw lmao I’m having so much fun P.s. just type out “to” It’s not that hard LMFAOOOO you act like those two letters are so far from each other

    LackadaisicalChild August 23, 2023 12:30 am
    You sound so dumb rn in your own comment section and that’s why I keep coming back lmaooo first of all I never denied being a hater cause I’m not. You said “haters of the story” I said I don’t hate th... Rainbowzlut

    i'v bn busy doing interviews left and right. i'm actually doing some hiring,wld u like 2 apply? i hv 2 slots open, $1500 monthly, 9am-6pm EST work, wld u like 2 try? i think u need 2 do somethng else 2 keep u busy my not typing full words is proof enough that i dont take this seriously, wldnt u thnk? of course,wrong usage of words is a diffrent matter altogether. also, u'r winning? where? that's certainly news to me. yes, ur bein a kpop fan has nothng 2 do w the topic of ths thread,i agree. but arent u the one who mentioned it on here, under my post, in the 1st place? i'll say it again: maybe u cld try not being an idiot for a moment so u cld let that sink in. try. u'l nvr know,it might actually get u somewhere

    LackadaisicalChild August 23, 2023 1:05 am
    You sound so dumb rn in your own comment section and that’s why I keep coming back lmaooo first of all I never denied being a hater cause I’m not. You said “haters of the story” I said I don’t hate th... Rainbowzlut

    oh and also, since i thnk this has already escaped ur limited undrstandng, i jst mentioned ur eye-opening (lol) nct convo bcoz of u accusing me of dick riding when u were the one doing jst that. i had 2 point that 1 out. dunno y u concluded bein a kpop fan is an issue 2 me? i am an army and a blink, bt u wld nver see me mentioning that anywhere on here except at this moment. u know, as mch as i am hvng fun exchanging w u, i really, honestly, genuinely, frm the bottom of my heart feel sorry 4 u. there is somethng seriously wrong w u if evrythng we've bn "exchanging" about, and why, hs bn flying past u. more than ur bein a hater nd a trying hard attention-seeker, i thnk that's a cause 4 concern.

    Rainbowzlut August 24, 2023 1:21 am
    i'v bn busy doing interviews left and right. i'm actually doing some hiring,wld u like 2 apply? i hv 2 slots open, $1500 monthly, 9am-6pm EST work, wld u like 2 try? i think u need 2 do somethng else 2 keep u b... LackadaisicalChild

    You’re offering me a job.. let’s be real rn LMFAOOO I think this convo has come so far you’re starting to say shit just to say it. You had many many opportunities to block me but you don’t.. and every time you come back and i read what you say, makes me cringe cause wtf are you talking about Bro it’s never ever ever that serious! You wrote back TWO whole paragraphs let’s chill lol let’s go about our days, you continue to be busy, I’ll continue to hate

    LackadaisicalChild August 24, 2023 3:47 am

    why'd u block me, Rainbowzlut? thought i sais i were winning?

    LackadaisicalChild August 24, 2023 3:53 am

    Rainbowzlut, thought u said u were winning lol.
    take a moment 2 undrstand y i'm askng u 2 apply 4 a job haha. also,i wasnt OFFERING u a job. r u really this dense. an invitation to apply is nver the same as "offering" u a job,ok? LMAO. is this the same as u insistng i care abt ur being a kpop fan & mentioning ur "eye-opening" nct convo (LOL) u ddnt really get that it was bcoz of ur "dick riding" comment? what? still flying past ur head? and u wonder why i had to write 2 paragraphs? hw else will we evn hv the slightest hope that u'd be able 2 get it if it's not spelled out 2 u? it's a good thing i'm a very patient person. i thnk anybody w a less undrstanding nature wld suffer a stroke talkng 2 u. ur IQ is like that of a gradeschooler's.

    yep,it's not that serious that's why i cant undrstand why u'r so offended? nobody evn knew u were 1 of the clowns until u came in here nd try 2 insult me nd my post. now u r both a clown nd an idiot. double-whammy

    Rainbowzlut August 25, 2023 3:00 pm
    why'd u block me, Rainbowzlut? thought i sais i were winning? LackadaisicalChild

    Even blocking you to still want me back anyways uhh it’s never that serious lmaoooo stan BTS!

    LackadaisicalChild August 25, 2023 8:59 pm

    u wld ublock me jst 2 be able 2 comment again nd then block me again so i wont be able 2 reply 2 u? where's ur "i'm winning" attitude? anyway, lol. big of u 2 thnk i want u back. it was fun messing w u at 1st, nd then it became disturbng when i realized hw mch of an idiot i was exchanging with. didnt evn knw that kind of stupid exists

    Rainbowzlut August 26, 2023 1:06 am
    u wld ublock me jst 2 be able 2 comment again nd then block me again so i wont be able 2 reply 2 u? where's ur "i'm winning" attitude? anyway, lol. big of u 2 thnk i want u back. it was fun messing w u at 1st, ... LackadaisicalChild

    No babes you’re still blocked I just kept getting notifications and I get all excited thing it’s a story that got updated but it’s just you on my dick anyways I came back cause I was curious to see if your stupid ass would reply even tho your blocked and you did LMFAOOOO anyways for someone who claims that their sooooooooooo busy, you surely got a lot of time on your hands to come answer to me

    Rainbowzlut August 26, 2023 1:09 am
    u wld ublock me jst 2 be able 2 comment again nd then block me again so i wont be able 2 reply 2 u? where's ur "i'm winning" attitude? anyway, lol. big of u 2 thnk i want u back. it was fun messing w u at 1st, ... LackadaisicalChild

    P.S. , stop obsessing over me. This will be the last I answer to do you a favor ;) anyways bye! Xoxo love ya

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 1:31 am

    come again? YOU keep coming back here, on MY post and I'M the one obsessed?
    u, rainbowzlut, certainly is the stupidest, most idiotic person i hv evr come across. seriously. it's like u'r living in an upside down world. 1st u think u'r "winning", nd then now i'm obsessing ovr u? blocking me,then commentng,then saying goodbye,then commenting again. what an idiot. and also,such a cowardly chicken LMAO

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 1:37 am

    oh and i jst noticed,u made 2 paragraphs! hahaha! werent u jst mocking me bcoz i replied w 2 paragraphs? and u hv a "dick"now? hate 2 break it 2 u, bt using terms like that nd tryng so hard 2 write as if u'r frm the "hood" do not make u look cool. it only shows how much of a trying hard wannabe u truly are. any1 who wld read ur comments wld get goosebumps. eeewwwww

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 1:37 am

    oh and i jst noticed,u made 2 paragraphs! hahaha! werent u jst mocking me bcoz i replied w 2 paragraphs? and u hv a "dick"now? hate 2 break it 2 u, bt using terms like that nd tryng so hard 2 write as if u'r frm the "hood" do not make u look cool. it only shows how much of a trying hard wannabe u truly are. any1 who wld read ur comments wld get goosebumps. eeewwwww

    meowdyyy August 26, 2023 3:53 am
    oh and i jst noticed,u made 2 paragraphs! hahaha! werent u jst mocking me bcoz i replied w 2 paragraphs? and u hv a "dick"now? hate 2 break it 2 u, bt using terms like that nd tryng so hard 2 write as if u'r f... LackadaisicalChild

    I just had a whole seizure reading your replies, why do you feel the need to abbreviate the words? Are you dumb? Lmao

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 4:28 am
    I just had a whole seizure reading your replies, why do you feel the need to abbreviate the words? Are you dumb? Lmao meowdyyy

    no.bcoz i dnt want 2 take so mch time typng full words. those w at least average IQ wld undrstand. as long as i get my point across w proper grammar,i'm fine. u hv a problem w it? dont read. simple, isnt it?

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 4:36 am

    another attention-seeking loser tryng 2 one up me under my post, the hell. "why do u feel the need 2 abbrviate the wrds? r u dumb?" a lot of commenters here abbrviate their wrds, is it jst me? u sayin we r all dumb? tf try again

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 4:36 am

    another attention-seeking loser tryng 2 one up me under my post, the hell. "why do u feel the need 2 abbrviate the wrds? r u dumb?" a lot of commenters here abbrviate their wrds, is it jst me? u sayin we r all dumb? tf try again

    meowdyyy August 26, 2023 7:17 am

    And yet you’re here giving me the attention I crave and need baby girl <3 Idk what you’re going on about but I have not seen a single person over abbreviate their words like you lmao, learn proper grammar please, you started so good at the beginning and now you’re giving everyone seizures

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 8:00 am

    hohoho, rainbowzlut, i mean, meowdyyy, why r u so obsessed w me? u had 2 use another account 2 mssg me? such a loser. try changing ur argument so it wldnt be so obvious duh

    Rainbowzlut August 26, 2023 8:09 am
    hohoho, rainbowzlut, i mean, meowdyyy, why r u so obsessed w me? u had 2 use another account 2 mssg me? such a loser. try changing ur argument so it wldnt be so obvious duh LackadaisicalChild

    You’re dumb asf LMFAOOOO go to their profile check when they joined then check mine you’re so stupid it’s comical

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 8:10 am

    "i hv not seen a single person over abbreviate their words like u" ~ hv u evr heard about twitter? girl! google nd download! i'm telling u, u wld be amazed! really! hurry! dont be stuck here,go and xplore! LMAO. now if it's here, i cld name at least 5 active commenters who abbreviate. but then, u can read, evn if ur IQ's not very good. u'd be able 2 see them 4 sure. IF u want. Also, "giving everyone seizures"? who? u and rainbowzlut? and i should care because...?

    LackadaisicalChild August 26, 2023 8:57 am

    my fan, trying hard cool-girl wannabe who has a "dick"(lol) rainbowzlut is here again. the idiot cannot rlly go 4 long w/o tryn 2 gain my attention. ok here, 2 tide u over until later, b4 ur obsession gets the best of u: Hello chicken! i dont fancy girls, evn those w "dicks". sorry! but u may stay obsessed and keep coming bck here if it helps u get a life, w/c u obviously dont hv

    Rainbowzlut August 27, 2023 6:41 am
    my fan, trying hard cool-girl wannabe who has a "dick"(lol) rainbowzlut is here again. the idiot cannot rlly go 4 long w/o tryn 2 gain my attention. ok here, 2 tide u over until later, b4 ur obsession gets the ... LackadaisicalChild

    The way you slobber and gobble on my dick is CRAAAAAZY! What are we even talking about anymore. The conversation should’ve been done a long time ago

    LackadaisicalChild September 2, 2023 11:30 am

    I went out of the country 4 a vacay and only jst checkd in, and damn rainbowzlut, u'r still here being ur usual "notice me, i'm here" trying-hard wannabe self, commenting and yet still having me blocked. At this point i feel sorry 4 those who hvent muted ths thread yet bcoz of ur goosebump-inducing, majorly cringe comments. "slobber and gobble my dick" ?? eeew. U r definitly beyond gross. I wonder y u kp coming bck here 4 attention? oh ya, coz ur own posts do not attract commenters? dang that must hurt 4 an attention-seeking loser like u hehehe. ok, u hv my permission 2 kp commentng here,if it helps u xpress hw gross u truly are. can't promise anymore 2 reply 2 u everytime THOUGH bcoz i actually hv a life.we all cant be idiots like u,i'm sorry

    meowdyyy September 5, 2023 5:09 am
    I went out of the country 4 a vacay and only jst checkd in, and damn rainbowzlut, u'r still here being ur usual "notice me, i'm here" trying-hard wannabe self, commenting and yet still having me blocked. At th... LackadaisicalChild

    Who are you again?

    LackadaisicalChild September 5, 2023 6:44 am
    Who are you again? meowdyyy

    you forgot to switch accounts

    meowdyyy September 5, 2023 7:43 am

    No chiquibaby, I’m the other person who unfortunately didn’t mute the conversation after commenting your grammar made me have a seizure, and therefore I still get the notifications, you’re free to think whatever you want though muting it now, can’t stand to see your grammar anymore

    LackadaisicalChild September 5, 2023 8:55 am

    sure, sure *wink* lol

    Jiwon's Fountain ⛲ March 6, 2024 9:26 pm
    You ever been too deep into a story and you’re just like.. “this is kinda wack but I mean I’m already here so might as well finish it.” It’s like that.. you can admit the story is wack and post your ... Rainbowzlut

    Nah clearly it isn't that wack if it has you so hooked to it that you need to read more. If it was bad you would drop it regardless

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