Masatsugu loves Rei more than his own life.
I didn't like the fact he is married too with a kid, but he is a mafia ofc he cheats many people and he doesn't want to make his father suspect him. Women in the mafia world have sad roles. In reality, too, they are just tools.
He is willing to sacrifice everything and everyone for Rei, even himself. Rei told him once, I won't forgive you if you die.
He didn't like Hisako. He turned her down, and Hisako was in love with his father, yes Stockholm syndrome is awful. She was unable to kill him and take revenge on her parents.
Masatsug feels guilty probably because he thinks he is the same as his father, for ''laying'' his hands-on Rei. It's like he is doing the same thing his dad did to Hisako, but of course, that's not true.
Now 1 year will go by to fuck again + solving this misunderstanding!
But at least they fucked.