hello! can anybody recommend me a manhwa;
- strong fl
- little to no romance (preferred non-romance though its ok if it has romance as long as it's not centered)
- kind of a gender-bender
- w good art style and plot
- may be fantasy, historical, etc
I hope this gets u covered but watch out for romance it's like 1+1 in there
pls recommend me some female leads who can use swords OR ANYTHING THAT HAS A REALLYYYY BADASS FEMALE LEAD with a little to no romance
Just found this out! Idk ant the romance though!!
Maybe try 'Hero Killer', has a pretty cool female lead and not focused on romance rn, but it's ongoing.
If you're into revenge stories, try 'Never ending darling', it's not a romance manhwa, it's supernatural thriller type revenge story. It's really good.