Copied - "There is actually a transtation group on this manhwa, they are the ones who translated chapter one, and even got permission from the author to translate it. The person who did chapter 2 and 3 is just a random person who thought it would be "fine" to just translate an already claimed project. smh"
Finally a story that shows the omega well and truly pregnant. Usually the omega is just pregnant and not showing or it goes straight to children in their arms. Nice.
I started reading the yaoi mangas of this talented mangata and then found this one. Love it! The art, the characters, romance in the wings. Thanks so much for the update. Much appreciated.
Yeah.. I think He Tian really likes jian yi but after getting "rejected" basically, because he can see how dear xi is to jian yi, he tian gave up :/ and now he's going for second best, trying to get over jian yi
Nick could be trolling by his flagrant love of seeing his own name everywhere? Shame as it promised to be a good read.
Copied - "There is actually a transtation group on this manhwa, they are the ones who translated chapter one, and even got permission from the author to translate it. The person who did chapter 2 and 3 is just a random person who thought it would be "fine" to just translate an already claimed project. smh"