His “friend” is right there bullying Mr.Cat and he is like “Oh my what to do? Im so worried” It has nothing to do with gender but please man up and speak your mind. I hate when characters get all tensed up and freeze when another character is ABUSED with words...tch

I am sorry, but it is not their choice to freeze up. Mainly if they have been like that for a long time. It would be nice if he spoke up, but simply telling him to "man up" is not going to change how he is so scared he isn't able to do anything besides being shocked and frozen, with a blank mind (I should know because I was the same for a long time and my body simply stopped moving and my mind stopped working for some time before I caught up with wtf was happening). It might be something to work on with time, but if he did that right now, it would be out of character, knowing he is dealing with that friend who is manipulative af as we saw in his fight.

You can have your own opinion, ofc. Never said otherwise. All I did was to explain why he could have acted like that and it was also written.
And I never said you could take off the blame by saying "it cant be helped because he is that way"... But even adults get manipuled and like I said, it is not overnight that they improve. If he didn't notice the problem yet, then he couldn't work on it.
Your friend had you to, like you said, work on it together. They had help and also realized either alone or with you what was going on and how to improve. Maybe he didn't, even more with that "friend" by his side.
Him being scared shitless like that is also benefical for the "friend", so maybe there is also more to that than what we just saw

The female lead in this manga really intrigues me. She may be more timid than all the other classic fantasy mangas where they turn back in time and the FL makes a grand debut. BUT, technically speaking she actually says everything on her mind even if she stutters. It’s refreshing to see her cuteness, I believe she will grow more in the future (•ᴗ•)و
ML İs so cute too > < he really makes an effort, actually likes her and wants to protect her. (Not even talking about him being buff and HOT AF like GODDAYUM Riftan cut me down with your sword)
Long story short, I want to adopt them pls.

Independence is important, I get how you want to have your own life BUT you are ignoring the ML’s help, his genuine feelings, effort even though you want to have a warm family for your child. I’m sorry but last time I checked, that family you want has a father in it. If you decided to date him and see how it went, you could have just told everyone you were dating the ML and with his position everything would have been alright. Now your job, your mental health AND your childs life is in possible danger. I guess some people really are immature and indecisive...

I know getting rejected for your appereance was hard on you, YES, he was rude, it was wrong of him BUT why did you like him in the first place? Because of his personality? NO. Because of his kindness NOOO. You liked his FACE FİRST. You hypocrite. Second of all, you are here BEİNG UNPROFESSİONAL, dragging your past into work, this is ABUSE OF POWER. Sorry your ego is hurt but- just f*ck off. You are wrong in all aspects.
Why is everyone trying to destroy Halstead? Just to eliminate a power house or is there another reason? Enlighten me pls
idk if i’m right but from my understandings i think it’s because halstead is really strong and when the houses are defeated their power object thing (which is actually erdens heart) is obtainable which would bring great power...
Come back here and enlighten me again if you do cause at this point I feel like its a plot point just to mess with Halstead :/ Poor guys...