TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Nerd Project

What an annoying nasty little bitch he needs to shut his crap honestly ugh glad he got punched in the face<33

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

oh my god...OH MY GODDD?!?!?!

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Harenochi Shikibu

WAAAHHHH I'm so glad this manga finally updated I missed this so MUCHH

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Shining Summer

Urrrhhhhh please don't let it be a love triangle please don't let it be a love triangle please don't let it be a love triangleee uhuhuhuhu (it's obviously a love triangle •_• )

STOPPP I really hate misunderstandings but this is too funny AHAHAHAHHA

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Little Mushroom

I'm so glad little mushroom has a mahua they all look so pretty hereee auuughhh

I LOVEE IT OMG this is such a refreshing manhwaaa<333 Can someone please drop the link of the novelll

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Home

Something smells fishy and my gut is telling me the blonde dude is bad news

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

It's kinda sad how Heejae does not want to show his vulnerable side to the person he likes

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Nerd Project

Not Andrew stealing a kiss from Luke ehehhe

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Dead man Switch
TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Please don't die please have a happy ending

TheBibleYouNeed created a topic of Nerd Project

Why are they both sooooo...and especially Andrew in the recent chapter he is breathtaking