egvi's experience ( All 0 )

egvi's answer ( All 13 )

shet i thought they were two cute kids romancing   reply
24 02,2021
miss girl got an A+ in science class   reply
13 02,2021
wait wut so many people call themselves fujoshis but they so fun and cool and they actually so nice bruh they also smart unlike u who used the word fujoshi which is a Japanese word means women who like to read bl nothing to do with all they wrong shit u just said   4 reply
26 01,2021
-straight romances and/or erotica doesn't fetishize straight people SIS SPITTIN FACTS IF READING YAOI IS FETISHIZING THEN WHY ISNT READING STRAIGHT STUFF FETISHIZING i swear this is to all the people on the pride flag if you think that ur special just cause your bi or gay then plz go and take a bath and re think ur life choices im not even being ho......   2 reply
26 01,2021
25 01,2021
ybc is fucking fictional cp thats it, dont let something fictional effect ur life in a bad way period   reply
25 01,2021

egvi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do be a follower of god cale

pls lemme bang cale henituse

1 minutes
did scared to fall in love

In my early twenties and the only ship i've tried is friendship, I mean love is scary I can never trust someone like that

28 minutes
did eat without getting fat

It's funny whenever they ask 'where all the food goes too?' Lol I'm storing it incase of emergency

37 minutes