Kyujin was one of those characters that i wanted to hate but just couldn’t. I felt such pity and empathy for him. To me he seemed like one of those characters that were doomed. He never felt like anyone cared about him or felt close to anyone other than Chiwoo, and developed strong feelings that would never be mutual to the extent of how he felt towards Chiwoo. I honestly loved the moments before the first incident, they felt as if they had so much potential. They were one of the characters I wished weren’t toxic. I felt so bad that Chiwoo ignored Kyujin’s feelings and allowed them to increase to the point of obsession. However, I’m not saying that it’s Chiwoo’s fault nor does what Kyujin went through justify his actions. I am happy that Chiwoo found happiness in the end of it all but very sad that Kyujin didn’t find happiness because although he did some horrible stuff, he also went through a hard time and did deserve happiness in the end (referring to the side chapters). Seeing Chiwoo and Kyujin in a different dimension made me happy but thinking of the reality of the story, I feel if even if Kyujin never assaulted and raped him and before becoming toxic, his feelings would’ve never been reciprocated. ╥﹏╥
I am absolutely tired of waiting for a chapter that will show a tad bit of development but it literally just keeps getting worse. When there’s like one ok chapter, it’s followed by ten chapters of just rape and torture like tf happened to the plot? I don’t even want to click on this story anymore when I see an update.