Given how they went about starting to date, I’d they were real and upfront with they feelings and not playing the pride game they would’ve been did it.
They got about a whole year of built up sexual tension... I wouldn’t be surprised if they did it but I don’t think they will..... let’s remember who we’re talking about

So I did a rant earlier but coming back and seeing the amount of people saying that’s it’s Touyas own fault for he turned out.. Did we read the same chapter...... because yes touya did use his quirk but endeavor made no real means to stop him.... All he told was to stop using ur quick THEN proceeded to ignore and neglect him because of his said quirk didn’t reach the expectations that he had wanted(expectations being to surpass allmight). So touyas excessive quirk use was only so he could be acknowledged by endeavor and shoto being born was basically for touya the straw that broke the camels back. With shoto coming into the picture with the half and half quirk of course Touya wouldn’t like that. His only chance of being recognized by his father was taking away by a child. The mentality that Touya had growing up was none other then the cause of endeavors drilling into his head of being the one with the quirk to pass Allmight. When he couldn’t do endeavor didn’t try to undo that drilling he just proceeded to ignore Touya. ENDEAVOR IGNORED AND NEGLECTED HIS CHILD WHEN HE NEEDED HIS REASSURANCE THAT HE WAS STILL IMPORTANT AND LOVED THE MOST AND REI DID TOO!!!!!

how do ppl not see that touya was innocent? (i separate the characters from their villainous persona so i just mean him as a kid.) endeavor pushed his ideals, then left him to create more kids and rei just straight up ignored everything. it’s not touya’s fault for feeling betrayed after seeing all his siblings born bc he wasn’t good enough

After endeavor found out despite having flames Touyas body was made for ice. His major concern wasn’t that touya would hurt himself(although he did acknowledge that) using his quirk, it was that he won’t be able to surpass Allmight..... I can’t.
I feel like so many people are going to overlook that moment and I’m not here for it. YES Endeavor did tell touya to stop using his quirk but that’s all. The mental damage that Touya had was all ready and full force because his only relationship he had with endeavor was one centered on surpassing Allmight. Learning he couldn’t do that because of his body was basically burning any strings of a bond between him and endeavor.
Now I don’t like Endeavor or Rei but I have to commend Rei for reflecting on where she went wrong with her family and being willing to put her wrongdoings all out into the open. Endeavor take notes, stop trying to move on and do better for your family without acknowledging what part you played in your family’s down bringing. That’s like throwing water on an oil fire. You had the spirit, just a little confused.
In case y’all don’t have a lot of comprehension skills REI DID NOT MARRY ENDEAVOR OUT OF LOVE IT WAS FOR THE SAKE OF HER FAMILY!!!!!! SHE TRIED TO MAKE THAT TOXIC MARRIAGE WORK BUT THATS KINDA HARD TO DO WHEN THERE ISN'T A LOT A LOVE. I see to many endeavor stans tryna put all the blame on Rei... no hold both of their incompetent asses for blame.
So we can all agree...... that was very Arthur-like.