Horus, Sekhmet and Ra are all truly on Seth's side. It's just they all have different methods to "help" him (Sekhmet's method being the... most "drastic" one).
You’re actually confusing the guy lmao The guy who traveled back in time has light brown hair and they haven’t met with Ji Yul (not that he’d remember him either since he lost his memory)
You’re actually confusing the guy lmaoThe guy who traveled back in time has light brown hair and they haven’t met with Ji Yul (not that he’d remember him either since he lost his memory) Cyxx
Ah my bad, they both wear glasses that's why I got confused. But I am still curious about him and Rose tho
It's interesting, it's different, have a really cute artstyle, fluffy Bois, funny roomates, a bakery, literally everything I would like in a comic. I love it already.
Everything can be solved in bed. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)