And yes, building your own family out of friends is one way to make it better, but not every abandoned/ignored kid (still fortunate to be sheltered, fed, and schooled) turns out to be a bully. So no, Ollie’s past is not a legitimate excuse to me.
As for John... I feel like the kid’s been isolated so long by his father that he’s out of touch with reality. He still kind of is, to be honest. All he’s doing is listening to Ollie, the only kid clinging onto him like a loyal fan. I still can’t really blame him for his nature.
She out here thinking Kamin deserves hella more than Kanggo XD this right here is the most realistic portrayal of siblings I’ve come across. Just the “but you can do SOO much better” vibe from the sister.
But anyway, we stan families that don’t treat gayness like an abnormality. This is the future, boys. Screw flying cars.