the fact that this story has been constantly wasting time with unnecessary chapters, pisses me off. the art is good but the plot is trash. we all know jooin is gonna end up with yawhi bc that's how every basic bl works. i don't understand the whole "past life" tying with cain and how he was a dog. it's doesn't really sit right w me. my final problem with this story is that jooin is just a basic "uwu" boy. i can't find good bl's anymore where the uke isn't a fem boy or an absolute pushover. waste of time tbh

You really need to get your mind of this so I’ll recommend you some BL with healthy relationships and the uke isn’t “uwu” or feminized too much.
(If you like the story you can support the author on webcomics your dont need to pay with real money you get counts when you log in daily)
One of the best BLs I read and their relationship is very realistic.
This is a short and a cute BL
this plot is literal ass