(⊙…⊙ ) Sanji...is .. getting married... i'm speechless

nah, he wont, his nakama will stop it :D

Given big mom's size and reputation for eating AND the name "pudding", Im desperately hoping its gonna be a fat chick xD

I think it's very likely that the woman with three eyes is the bride...
But if Oda wants to torture poor Sanji (as he often does), I am guessing these possibilities:
1. The bride is ugly and fat :'(
2. The bride is too old (like Kureha (I love Doctorine, but she's super old lol))
3. The bride is a little girl (I think this is more likely than the previous)
4. The bride has a terrible personality (like those tenryuubito people)
5. The bride is already in love with someone else

I think the three-eyed girl is the one too, coz there's an error in the translation, it's not the 35th daughter but the 3rd daughter, so maybe the 3 eyed one might be it. Also, I hope the bride isn't good looking, coz I hate seeing the awesome ero-cook fawn over ladies without any shame :/

Oh but the three eyed gils is beautiful....
And I love Sanji, always. It yeah, I hope to see his serious side more often....

I know, im torn between hoping its the 3 eyed one and also hoping its not her :/

i found the translations for the light novel if anyone is intrested here is the link https://kirikotranslations.wordpress.com/knw-chapters/
THAT BITCH!!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
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