i think season 1 has just ended .. idk though because my korean sucks but i think theres gonna be like 3 endings with his 3 possible suitors, the 1st ending’s with the cute coworker (not the neighbour, the other coworker) (he rejected the coworker) and i think i kinda know who he’s gonna end up with but sksksk once again my korean sucks so ㅠ.ㅠ

lmao wtf i had to stop reading because why tf are they more worried about sora, calling him pure and shit and acting like taiyo is somehow at fault. lmao bye

kcckkf im so fucking angry like wtf make it make sense, “your friends are waiting for you” some friends they are tf are we really going toact like everything that happens is all because of sora. he was the one who started all of this bullshit. why the fuck are they jdjdkkdhc im so angry lordt leave sora alone already mf
lmao bye i hate both kang and taejoo. they don’t deserve yoon at all. both belong to the trash can.