why did they change the seme so much? Kinda wish his face/hair cut stayed the same post-growth spurt. Like if i saw the seme, I too would be like "who tf are you?" deadass a whole ass different person

since they are taking inspo from the grid system (and making it seem like peak urban planning), i wish the author had taken inspo from La Plata, Argentina. i think La Plata makes the grid system look aesthetically pleasing and not boring, plus adding diagonals just makes sense. I agree with everyone else about there being a lack of greenery, sewage systems, building variation, and commercial/public buildings.
also, this manga has a great premise, but the plot and characters feel one-dimensional. idk its missing a certain spark that would make it interesting. I see potential ofc but it feels mid.

horndoglmao created a topic of Dreadful Night

i wanna know why the mc is stuck in this game, and why the ml is like so sus... the plot is too good, and i can't let it marinate i need all the chapters rn

i don't think the ml is polyamorous like some people in the comments are saying. He didn't even love any of his past partners. He didn't even see his past gfs as real partners, just people who gave him attention. The only person he cares or ever cared about is the mc. He made that clear when he got rid of all the gfs without much thought and has since made no indication of wanting other gfs while with mc.

However, the relationship with all those girls was a polyamorous relationship, since all the girls + ml were aware that multiple people were in the relationship. But, the ml is not a polyamorous person, given how he acts in a serious/real romantic relationship.

That polyamorous relationship only worked bc none of the parties were romantically involved. The girls saw ml as a pet/doll, and ml got the attention he wanted. It was more of a series of situationships imo

horndoglmao created a topic of My Damned XXX

I think I like the second couple so much more than the og couple, and it's not even close...

damn these comments are making me feel like the only one who likes the ml better. this blonde guy is sus, like he's going through the motions without actually feeling anything deeper than surface level.

horndoglmao created a topic of Puppy Love

my god! i love this couple

horndoglmao created a topic of Surge Looking For You

the chibis are the cutest things eveeeerrr ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

horndoglmao asked a question

do people have any recs for BL from the top's pov, preferably with no love triangles or cheating/sleeping around.
it doesn't have to be exclusively from the top's pov. idk if you've read Stigmata (yaoi), but it can be like that, where a good chunk of chapters are from the top's pov.

i feel like the ml deserves his happy ending... he was literally bad bc he was manipulated by outside sources (aka mc's dad, royal family, priests, and that snake woman) and bc he didn't know what love was until he lost it. like it was a classic miscommunication trope. could he have been a better father in the first life? yeah probably. but in his first life he was a (mentally) weak man who felt powerless

horndoglmao created a topic of Regas

I appreciate how this manhwa allowed Abel to have a really strong personality shown while he was in his og body instead of killing him within the first two chapters. plus, we see the main couple interact and their relationship grow, without it being revealed in flashbacks. these small changes are like a breath of fresh air in the reincarnation trope imo

horndoglmao created a topic of Puppy Love

the second couple is soooo cute. i want more

horndoglmao created a topic of Boyfriend From Scratch

i wish the author would let things marinate... we are def going too fast and skipping a bunch of development

horndoglmao asked a question

Do people have recommendations of BLs where the top is like really pretty.

if these chapters were a normal length and not two pages, i think everyone would enjoy this much more

am i the only one excited for the 3rd couple with the brother they said big man and i was sold

horndoglmao created a topic of 4 Week Lovers

i love how they are both simps

every time im like im gonna let it marinate, and then there's a new update, and i read it immediately

horndoglmao created a topic of Private Scandal

i really hope robin can leave and get away bc he does not deserve this... ik this is yaoi world and kidnapper and kidnappee are meant to be but damn im gonna pretend mr songbird ended up with someone good