now lets be nice to the top. just like the bottom, he is emotionally stunted. there is literally no one in this relationship that has the emotional capability to have good reasoning. top is clearly still traumatized from finding out that his "mom" (aunt) never cared about him and was faking it. now bottom did smth similar with the using but we know that bottom genuinely cares but doesnt know how to express it. Top is too traumatized to put this together and untrusting after being stabbed in the back by his own family.
it's easy from a third pov to be like oh this character is so dumb, but clearly the author has done a great job of making complex characters

i really wanted to like the second lead over the first, but after reading those unofficial chapters, my opinion has for real changed ml is toxic bc he’s emotionally immature. second ml is toxic bc he’s controlling (and i think its some sort of savior complex too). like this mc is too innocent and noona the only good one in his life

if season 3 is about the second couple, i'm excited because i like the secretary. I'll be pissed if the 3rd season focuses on the blonde guy. The secretary is such a good characterrrrr.
The main couple should end there lowkey; i dont want anymore drama. I would like a few fluffy side stories on them, like maybe they get engaged or married. Let them have a happily ever after plssss.

i need to know why he choked the little kid. and i need to see them have hot bdsm sex too ig

you and me both. I’m not gonna lie during the scene where our first MC saw them in the closet to tell him he was resigning, heard him say his name, there was a part where he asked him “why do you hurt people on purpose?” His response was “because I like them?” … this was in chapter 60 and it got me thinking that he may have used our first MC not only as a distraction but also to make our current MC jealous and want him more. But, Hey! It’s just a theory, a BL theory!(… I’m gonna go and bury myself in the ground now Peace)
huh i guess the ml is actually nice??? hes like a yellow flag-- makes u go uhhhh weird but yk not a bad guy