andi's experience ( All 0 )

andi's answer ( All 1 )

definitely akafuri... it just doesnt make sense to me, they've rarely interacted and yet theres so many people who ship it! and um, sorry to all of you who do like the ship but it kinda pisses me off, especially since i'm all for akakuro.   reply
28 08,2016

andi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

but now i live a happy and fufilled life :), friends, mindfullness, spending time with nature, going to the gym, eating well, all helped me!

1 hours
did tried to kill yourself

i have sm attempts but one attempt is still fresh to my mind, when i was a kid i wanted to off myself and i tried to strangle myself..

3 hours
did the birth of my love for yaoi

when i was 9 i watched 2gether the series for the very first time, its still fresh on my memories. then i switched to reading shounen ai

3 hours