i was ok until that page when Shuri told
Hisato "I hope you meet your true heart".... i just bawled... still bawling now...
unrequited love is just truly heartbreaking... it's one thing when you love someone who already has their special person, and it's an entirely different thing and pain when you love someone who doesn't have a special person... coz it's really hard knowing you can't be the one... that you will never be special no matter what you do...

that one really hit close to home! i experienced it a few times... someone being so kind to you that you think they like you and then end up realizing that they were just being kind... and that they're kind to everybody else! that you're not really special at all... this just made my heart break all over again..
reading the comments i see there's a lot of sensible people here who can empathize or at least sympathize...
but that one person who said "that's it?" oh wow, you're lucky you never had to worry about anything do you? never did anything trying to help and made things worse, although unintentional?
as a person who experienced this similar situation, time and time again because of my big mouth and my personal sense of justice, I deeply, deeply, empathize with him... it's hard dealing with people you know... even if you had good intentions, some people will always find something wrong with it... and turn the situation around and make it your fault... i beat myself up over and over again when this happens... endless regrets, thinking and telling myself that i should have shut my mouth and never gotten involved...