I personally ship MC(not evelina) with Aslan because hes strong, strict to ppl, and also fond of MC/evelina. But he lacks understanding and i hope itll be solved in the future.
The holy knight, im sure mc likes him but i don't like him because hes too conflicted with his own feelings. And hes weak since hes mortal.
Crown prince better off as friends

She treated your wife like shit, you knew she treated your wife like shit, and you LET HER treat your wife like shit??? See this is why youre unwanted you dumbass.

From the way he *SOUNDS* genuinely loved MC, i think its just because ml is shit at communication but actually loved her. posessiveness still stands tho. But yeah even if he does love her he always distance himself with her for some reason.
Like he didnt say or do shit even though he wants mc to stay in the room with him. He never smiled at her. He didnt do nothing even though he knew she was bullied.
And hes so delusional to think she would do anything for him at any circumstances, he lacks understanding and common sense.
Boy if god did that to me you better believe ill be atheist forever